Quest: Attacking the tower (part eight and final)

in #rpg6 years ago

@happyme moving up the forest to assest Rastael and Paige eliminate the rest of the undeads outside. Rastael whit a well placed nettels wall. and two arrows from Paige they undeads are gone. the forest in silent ones more. except all the dead bodys the half burn forest its feels like noting happen here. @ligayagardener is following the rest of the colonist up.


@stever82 is running down in the tower the undead wizard is not getting away. down there he find a few undeads and the wisard in kneeling down on the side of a large sarcophagus.
straight behind @stever82 is @methus entering the basement he ses the wizard and sending a fire ball his way. steven following up whit a arrow. @creativetruth and big jake is entering the tower. big jake aiming his bow but the arrow missing the wizard. the wizard is on fire he sems to be in a trance of some kind mumbling to the sarcophagus. @creativetruth attacking one of the two undead in the basement. the undead is still standing and counter attack. but @creativetruth taking the blows it take more to take him down.


Paige after seeing all the undeads are dead out here she start locking for loot but its not a lot just two war hammer after the ogres most of the undeads where unarmed. maby its shomting more down in the tower but she remember the outpost has promised good pay to clear up the forest here.
she can hear a voices coming what happen here? its gunnar and Tim from the outpost they
got word from workers from many colony of missing masters

but its sems to be under control here. he ses the half burn oger on the ground and just piles of undeads all over.
colonist damage armor and bleeding all over. just clear upp the tower now and you all get paid as promised.
he ses the two warhammers next to the two dead ogers.


a think @stever82 and @creativetruth can get them.
when we see what is in the tower. we will pay out the silver and wheat as promised.
he dragging up a Pouch of silver of 7 to each of you. and the same in wheat.

moving map take one action and putting you where the arrow is works both ways

Darkland wiki

Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.

@methus (Barbarian Ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+7 dark staff 4 melee damage and +4 spell dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)
4 of 4 hit points (0 of 15 armor)(wounded)
(2 healing potions)
Spells: Dark Missile, Dark Heal, Fireball



@ecoinstant Sustainable acres

Paige (ale, ring,amulet) 9
weapons:(+5 bow 3 dam) and (+5 iron sword 3 dam)
4 hit points: (6 of 10 armor)(wounded)
0 healing potion (-1 used)


Rastael (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+5 wizard staff 2 dam)
4 hit points (1 of 6 armor)(wounded)
1 healing potion
Spells: berserk. nettle wall and dark heal.

@stever82 (boar fangs amulet,ale) 9
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam) (+5 bow 3 dam)
4 hit points (8 of 8 armor)

@happyme (ring,amulet) 7
weapons (+5 bow/gem 5 dam)(+5 Long sword/gem 3 damage)
4 hit points (15 of 19 armor)(wounded)


@ligayagardener (ring,amulet) 7
weapons: (+4 bow 2 dam)(+5 Sword 2 dam)
4 hit points (1 of 4 armor)(wounded)

@creativetruth (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam) (+4 iron shield)
4 of 4 hit points (0 of 12 Armor)(wounded)

Big Jake: (ale) 5
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+6 hunters bow 3 dam)
4 of 4 hit points (0 of 5 Armor)(wounded)(+4 hp a healing potion from Paige)

undeads 5 (+3 fist 2 dam)
4 hit points
(-2 movement slow two turns)

undeads 5 (+3 fist 2 dam)
1 of 4 hit points
(-2 movement slow two turns)

next to creativetruth dark red


undead wizard (cape of knowledge,ring) 8
weapon: (+6 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)
1 of 4 hit points (0 of 15 Armor)(wounded)
Spells: Rage, fire wall , nettles wall




@creativetruth,@happyme,@ligayagardener,@stever82,@ecoinstant and @methus

the undead wizard and the two undeads are finally dead. gunnar is coming down the basement he se the sarcophagus he is eager to investigate it. the lid is partly broken off. the casket is empty just a old clothes in there it sems to be missing a body. on the side of the sarcophagus ist a its a old signe. gunnar has his notes from the tower in the mountains when he compering the two of feels like a map and not a sentence as Gob the goblind was sure it ment. when gunnar is putting it together its missing two parts but in he middel it sems to be a fortress or..but he is not sure. he need to go to gobs village where the third tower is. he is thinking out loud the middle most be where moldered is then...

Rastael (@ecoinstant) has made a b-line for the wizard he is disappointed the cape is burn and hole in it from arrows its destroy. but next to him is a casket. he oping it. inside its a few berserker potion ,greater healing and
rock potion. gems and herbs, and a dagger.

the undead wizard has studded hide armor and a few wizard parts in one of the corners is a skeleton of and soldier he has been here a long time his body is all gone a few armor parts holding him together. next to him under a lot of dust is a iron sword it.

the loot pile: (to make it easy you can take one weapon and two armor parts. a few of them is only one and you need the special helmet to use the weapon.

  1. 1x (+5 dark staff 2 dam)(wizard)
  2. "unlimited amount" studded boots, chest and helmet.
  3. 1x (wizard boots hide)
  4. 3x iron legging, 3x iron helmet
    4."unlimited amount" +5 iron Sword/gem 4 dam
  5. 1x +8 dagger +2 dam (Rogue)

everyone :1 greater healing , 2 gems ,2 herbs + the silver/wheat.
@creativetruth and @stever82 gets the +5 warhammer 5 dam (two hands) from the dead ogers (exstra)

If no one objects, I'll take the wizard staff, iron leggings, and iron helmet.

Oh, lovely! I have been wanting to upgrade my sword damage for a long time, so I will gladly take a sword with +4 damage, an iron helmet and iron leggings.

Dazzled by the iron sword, @creativetruth lays claim to it. Big Jake picks up the iron leggings and iron helmet.

Rastael will take the wizard boots and studded leggings.

Paige will take a +5 iron Sword/gem 4 dam and a studded helmet.

@creativetruth,@happyme,@ecoinstant and @methus a have added the loot. in the colony post

I'd like to take a suit if studded armor if I can find a complete one.

Posted using Partiko Android

cool the studded boots and chest are added on the quest post

I now have 2 sets of iron leggings and would like to trade with anyone who has iron boots because I need iron boots. Thanks! Not sure if any armorer would be able to do a straight exchange.

Use 2 actions to run to the tower and charge attack the wounded undead with my sword. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

The wounded undead falls to the floor. 2 enemies remain.
OOC: I see I'm just 1 map away, so if that's the case, I only need 1 action to run to the tower and can take another shot at killing something. I'll charge the other undead with my sword. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

That's a miss, so no matter, the undead is still at 4 health.

yes a move all of you up. it was end of the quest kind of deal.

Two more undead remain?

I touch my chest amazed that it isn't full of holes. My heart is still beating, madly!

Attack the weakest undead servant with my iron sword. @rolld20

Attack the remaining undead.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

Think I missed. Final attack. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Rastael comes barrelling into the tower, just behind Paige, and sees the wizard go down. His eyes are drawn to the cape....he doesn't even notice the remaining undead standing. He moves in, next to the sarcophagus, looking for rare artifcats, runes or other ancient writings.

Secrets of the beyond be revealed to me!

Slow down Mum-Ra. We don't want to awaken the spirits of ancient evil yet. :)

I am so impressed by the powers of these others. I will always join them to learn from them. I look at the loot and reach for one iron sword +5 with gem for 4 damage one studded chest piece and one iron leggings. I wait to make sure all are okay with my picks.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol... I've been a bit slack on this quest. Sorry everyone but life took priority, its been a busy period at home. I hope my small contribution helped nd congrats to everyone for the great job

Posted using Partiko Android

aha a is like this showtimes. if you are not abel to do your turn tell me and a can adjust the quest etc. bad things happen if you dont move.

Paige will rush into the tower, after her allies. (comes in to the right of Stever). She can recognize the undead wizard is casting a spell, and she wants to end it now!

She readies her bow, and fires into him! (+14) @rolld20

The wizard crumples to the ground, and she turns her attention to the last living undead. (+14) @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Big Jake takes aim and fires arrows. I need two arrows to hit, or some help from my friends who are already busy looting.

Arrow two. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Third attack, drop the bow and charge attack with the iron sword.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

You may now sing my victory song.

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