Creating a Romanian Steemit Community? Any Romanian Steemit Users Here?

in #romania7 years ago (edited)

romania flag.jpg

Probably this article won't be extremely interesting for most users here and I apologize for that in advance.

But I am looking forward to see how active is the #Romania community here on Steemit. I am hoping to connect with fellow Romanians that are part of this great cryptocurrency revolution (or at least Steemit itself) and who are looking to connect as well.

So far, my quick research has found several Romanian users on Steemit and I am listing them below so you can easily follow them and their articles and create a community of RO users here:

@genicon (that's me!)

Hopefully I am not wrong and all the users above are indeed Romanian. If not, please excuse me and let me know - I will gladly remove you from the list with a quick edit.

Now, if you are Romanian and want to be part of the Romanian Steemit community that I am trying to create here - one in which we connect, follow each other and vote/resteem the best published articles - please let me know by commenting below. I will publish an updated list each month and hopefully our numbers will grow larger and larger.

Also, if you have suggestions on how to make the Romanian community on Steemit better - or anything else, just let me know by commenting below.

Let's build something great together!


Bine ai venit.

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Și până acum postările se făceau cu tagul #ro, putem adopta și #romania ;)

N-am idee cum de am ratat commentul asta atat timp, Alex :) E foarte bine de stiut, cu siguranta voi trece canalul de chat si grupul de facebook in urmatorul articol. Ma bucur sa vad ca deja exista o comunitate romaneasca aici.


Există și se mișcă. Sunt câțiva delfini deja, încă nici o balenă. Când intri dă un semn.

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salutare la toti romanii. poti sa ma treci si pe mine pe lista sunt nou pe aici incerc sa inteleg despre ce este vorba :))

I am from Romania to and i think your ideea is nice, other countries they have this and they help each other, now it is our time to make this.

Exactly! I hope we'll be able to grow this community to the next level and help each other achieve great things here :)

I am from Romania too!

Nice to meet you, jwolf! I started following you and you'll be on the extended list for the Romanian community next month. If you know other Romanian Steemiters let me know!

Wish you have a career growing on steemit! 😄

Thanks, alice! Same to you!

Thank you for including me in this list.

This is a great idea and deserves more visibility, I will resteem and hope ohers will also resteem so it could reach many of us.

Every little bit helps! I already did a lot more research and I will probably publish a more up to date list sooner than 1 month - probably in two weeks and edit that in order to make it easier to follow the group.

This is a wonderful idea. I know we're not many right now but I hope we'll start growing in numbers in the future. I'm trying to tell my friends and neighbors about Steemit and get them interested in this community. We're building the future! :)

That's true, bankster! I am also planning to talk my friends into this. But as you know, most people are really skeptical about this. But hopefully we'll still be able to create a nice community here as well.

Hello my fellow romanians! Glad to see my kind gathering up :D Nice idea @genicon :*

Thank you, Alexa! Let's hope that we'll create a nice bunch of nice people here!

O initiativa foarte frumoasa. Te rog, trece-ma si pe mine pe lista! Salutari din Bucuresti :)

Salutare, Allesia! Vei fi trecuta pe lista urmatoare - care vine acum! :)

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