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RE: Sundered Lands on Steemit (Game Session Date: 2017-11-25)

in #roleplaying7 years ago

I have a crossing and criss-crossing of scars, and the summoning-name of a ghost burned into my memory.

I have been walking through the Broken Gauntlet of the Unknowable for countless long bienniums.

I've just come to a pool.

At the moment I am remembering my mother.

Something warns me of approaching danger.
What warns me? (Anyone may answer.)


A rustle of wings, a scraping of talons

Crouching near the pool, I pause and listen closely to the rustle of wings
As the scratching of talons enters my ears I leap to my feet and run for cover

Is there a hiding place, or some means of cover nearby? (Anyone may answer)

Only the pristine waters of the pool offers immediate protection - drawn out into the clearing you are at the water's edge.

Glancing left, glancing right - no immediate source of cover can be found. Yet before me lies a pool of unknown depth - perhaps it would offer some cover.

Once more I look over my shoulder for the source of the beating feathers before taking a deep breath, and wading into the pool.

My head becomes covered as I immerse my full body under the pools shimmering surface.

Does the pool go deeper? Is there a means of escape further below... (Anyone may answer)

Illumination from below indicates that there is more beneath this pool than was clear from the surface. Clear water becoming murkier as your steps mix up mud from the floor, it appears that there is a cave or perhaps even a tunnel not far ahead.

Before the water clouds my vision completely, or I lose the ability to withhold my breath any longer, I quickly swim toward the light ahead

With the last of my reserve breath I push deeper into the pool, through the cave opening, and emerge in a small chamber line

** is the coast clear, or do I see a threat?
(Anyone may answer)**

Stalagtites, stalagmites, a glowing torchlight,
You scan around and use your sight,
you sense a presence but try as you might,
nothing identified but a slight fright.

Taking the torch, I continue down a tight, twisting tunnel lined with sharp stalactites. Tripping several times over slippery stalagmites... I reach a large grotto. The massive room of the cave opens up before me. My torchlight is lost in the vast darkness of the space.

The presence still lingers, but I cannot be certain it is anything but frightened nerves.

Continuing on... I follow the cave wall.
**Do I discover any artifacts, or strange objects in this place?

(Anyone may answer!)**

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