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RE: Sundered Lands on Steemit (Game Session Date: 2017-11-25)

in #roleplaying7 years ago

picking up from @ecoinstant's comment: Markings trail along the cave wall growing ever more complicated- this area is either inhabitated or once was - some bit look like art, but you get the feeling, as you go deeper, that these markings are a warning.

(* To keep the game accessible, I will place the Pilgrim Player Response as a TOP level comment!)

As a Dragonrider, my people have many stories warning us against the supernatural creatures hungry for human flesh which inhabit the Broken Gauntlet of the Unknowable.

The tales appear to be true as illustrated in these cave etchings.

This bodes well for my pilgrimage to the Mosque to Literate in the fine Section of Toadach. For it is also well known that Toadach lies just beyond the protection of the flesh eaters.

Do I feel watched?
(Anyone may answer!)


You are ever watchful as the feeling of being watched washes over you - as you sweep your torch forward, you suddenly see reflected seemingly hundreds of pairs of tiny eyes looking right at you!

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