
Thanks for your comment! It's about the size of a quarter. I have bigger ones too but it's a lot harder to get the light to shine through the larger ones.

Ah I thought it was bigger. Those are some small lights then :) Are they hard to find?

They were hard to find when I first started looking for them, but with practice they become easier to spot. Sometimes I don't find any, but there's always other rockhounds walking the shores. Especially the day after a storm.

Just checking out your other posts. That's quite a collection you have there! Perhaps I'm going to read up on it. It's probably a better hobby for me than drinking beer...

Well agates would be hard to find depending on where you are. These are all found on the shores Lake Superior. Sometimes I walk around town and find Agates in the gravel. Also can be found at gravel pits, so yeah you'd have to read up to see if they can be found in your area. Also your area may be popular for some other kind of rock or gemstone.

It'll probably be fun rockhounding and drinking beer though! I know I enjoy it!

Lol, I do my best drinking in the pub though :) I'm from the Netherlands so I don't think we have many interesting rocks here. I'll read up on it though.

You can find agates in the netherlands, wouldnt know how easy though.

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