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RE: Prince John captures robinhoodwhale

Your group will make HQ positive changes to Steemit. I was hoping things would get better but I'm starting to lose hope. Should I post a lot of posts > 1 photo > no text > rather than do 1 HQ post. It looks like most people don't even view it
Anyway I hope your group works. I see so many really good post out there that need your help. Thanks.


hi pitterpatter. I think you should make the effort to post quality posts....they don't always need to be long though. It looks like your post is doing well! Congratulations! In my opinion blogging on steemit is a long game, you will hopefully gather followers and stake for your efforts and in the future, if you hold onto your stake, when there are millions of steemians, you will have a nice reward!

robinhoodwhale is not my group and i'm not sure it functions as intended so I think we need to sort out what is going to happen with it.

I don't know if you stopped by to give me a boost or not but I just wanted to thank you. I agree with you about posting more than a picture but I've come across so many post with one picture > a few words receiving high rewards . Recently I saw a post mocking posts with good content. I think that may have been the turning point for me. I tried my own experiment voting like the whales and dolphins and I made more money than I made with good content and comments. Why should the big earners care to upvote good content if they can make big money the easy way > help their buddies make money. I could be wrong but if it continues I don't want to be one of those fools they mock. Thanks again, for trying. .

The best advice I can give....and I appreciate, I have a reasonably large stake, is do what you think is right. Steem is not going to succeed because of people who take every opportunity to take something from the steem economy, it's going to succeed because of the people who choose not to. There are so many people who are working for the steem economy for virtually nothing. They are taking risks with massive amounts of their capital to get this off the ground. There are so many people trying to produce quality posts who are not yet being rewarded fairly.....but they keep on anyway. Some people don't get that, some people get it and don't care. That's all fine. I won't promise you anything and you must do what you want to do but i genuinely believe we have an opportunity here to redefine everything. Its worth working and fighting for.

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