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RE: Road to Steemfest - Week 8 - After Hours

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

A friend of mine told me recently that I shouldn't talk about my illness so much, probably because they have had to hear about it a lot more than most.

I don't know the context in which it was said, but my very primal reaction is 'that friend should not judge as long as they don't have your body'.

In my 'Get to know me' post that you read and where you mentioned not having the best experiences with doctors as well I also linked the post about being a Spoonie - You have a case of Spoonie as well it seems :-)

Even though it's not the same between the lines I've read many people are at least severe introverts, lol, so I already am forming a little club of people in my mind that I can just sit in a corner with, not talking, just resting and observing all those 'high energy' people from a distance.

They won't understand but we'll have just as much fun :D

Wave at me anytime when you want some company but company that knows that talking is only an option, not a 'must'. I can have lots of fun with people by just being silent :D

Four more weeks! #countdown


Thanks Rosa 🙂

I read that post you linked about spoonies and it is completely true. Lol, I had never heard that term before but I have experienced that effect. People are just that way I suppose, if they can't see something, they don't believe it.

I shall surely spend some queit time drinking in the atmosphere 🙂

:-) Yes, the 'not seeing' part is the most frustrating... Telling your story and hearing 'but you don't look... (sick, disabled...)' is just not helping at all :')

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