Steemfest 4 - Here I come - I hope

Here I Come!!!.png

I am Going to Steemfest 4

There, I said it. I put the intention out in the world and am hoping that the Universe is hearing me loud and clear and will help me to make this happen.

I think that you can gather from the first sentence that I don't really have the details figured out. I don't have a ticket for steemfest in my hand, no flight booked and paid for, and no accommodations reserved. But those are just the details, right? Setting the intention is the very first step to manifestation.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not one of the people who believes that you just wish it and it will happen. No, I am keenly aware that there are action steps required on my part.

But before I tell you about the action steps I have already put in place and what I am planning to do, let me tell you why I want to go in the first place.

Mini Steem meetup at my house yesterday.@thekitchenfairy and family, @derekrichardson, me

Why Do I want to go to Steemfest 4?

Judging from many posts I am seeing lately, there is a bit of doubt, despair, loss of hope going on on Steem right now. Actually, there is a lot of that. Many are not happy with HF21. Even more are looking at the price of Steem and are ready to pull out there hair - or at least question the amount of time they are spending on the platform. Others are frustrated that they are putting out a lot of effort to promote Steem or to help the newbies and the results are falling short of what they expected.

Let's just say that for many steem as a money-making machine is a bit of a disappointment right now.

I am certainly one of those who can't justify the amount of time I have and do spend on the platform by pointing at the growth of my wallet. Working, if you want to call Steeming working for this purpose, for pennies an hour doesn't make much sense. Fair enough.

Still, I want to go to Thailand and meet a whole lot of people in person I only know through their online presence.


Why, you ask? What an excellent question.

For those of us who came to Steem as bloggers instead of investors, we found that the gold to be found on Steem is the people.

That sounds like such a trite statement. But I am going to Steemfest for the people! I am looking forward to meeting friends face to face I only know through their online presence at this point. But I know that we will come together as old friends without any of the awkwardness of first encounters.

That is my main reason. And to see a place I haven't traveled to before. But that is secondary.


Let me tell you what my Steemfriends mean to me and why I am so sure that going to Bangkok is going to be like going to a family reunion.

The first San Diego Meetup

Soon after I joined Steem, I decided to try to run some local meetups. The community organizer in me just wanted to connect with people in real life - also, I was onboarding friends and found myself spending lots of time with each of them trying to explain the platform. I thought it would be easier to have regular meetings and go over that kind of information together.

I made a post and before I knew it, I found out that @socalsteemit just had formed and we immediately combined forces. That weekend, my husband and I went to our very first Steem meetup in Riverside. So much fun!!! As a matter of fact, one of the Steemians and leaders of that group was at my house yesterday!! We have met many times since then and I am looking forward to getting together on 8/11 for the second annual Baseball stadium meetup in San Bernadino. @derekrichrdson - you rock!

We have had many SoCalSteemit meetups since that first one and I organized several in San Diego. Each one is different, some are big and some are small, but all are fantastic!

But meeting up is not all that happens when you make friends on Steem.

A long, long time ago... (Ha, the beginning of a fairy tale. Hold on to your seats!!)
Just kidding. But in Steem terms, it was a long time ago -as of today exactly 629 days- I started the Daily Freewrite Prompt. I had been thinking about that for a while, then I met @improv who was doing freewrites. We talked and the result is a daily prompt I am delivering - daily. Duh.

That let to eventually founding the @freewritehouse account where we are running many contests and supporting writers of all backgrounds and abilities. @improv has been a great supporter and promoter from the beginning and I had planned a San Diego Steem meetup at a time where the improv family was planning to come to San Diego.

The improv family in New Orleans

The family, @improv, @stinawog, and @loch ended up staying at my house, later I visited them in LA, and before we knew it, we were planning a road trip together to New Orleans. We had a fantastic time!!! Without Steem and my Steemfriends, I never would have made it there. Steem didn't pay for the trip but the people on Steem made it possible.

But that is not all. Just a few weeks ago I was on the road to Colorado via the Grand Canyon with another Steemian I met on the platform. We had met at various times to hang out when she was in San Diego, I visited her family on a trip with my husband - and next thing we know, we are on the road together for a week seeing the most beautiful countrysides.

@dreemsteem and I at the Grand Canyon

You have three guesses now why we took that road trip.

Did you guess to meet some more Steemians?

If you did, you were right!!

We went to Colorado to meet up with @thealliance family at the blockparty. 16 of us spent three days in one house sharing meals, laughter, information, and more. We all felt like we knew each other even though some of us had not even seen each other's blogs.

@dreemsteem, @snook, @jayna, @mariannewest

Now you know why I am so confident that going to Bankok is like meeting a family I want to hang out with. I can't wait to hug some of my Malaysian friends, meet new people, and reconnect with others.

How to Get There

Here are some of the action steps I set into motion:

  • Find Passport and make sure it is current.
  • Start a savings account for steemfest.
  • Make sure to walk at least 15,000 steps on a weekend day (even though my phone is not counting well - I just keep on walking) even if I am dog tired and just want to go to bed. Post that actifit report with the right tags and hope to win a ticket.
  • Talk to friends who are going and see if we want to share an Airbnb or something.

And that is all for now.

See You in Bankok


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.
Graphics made on Canva.



Animation By @zord189


#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


Post from Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other social media accounts to your Steem account using Share2steem. Here is my referral link

Join @Actifit, become healthier by being active and earn as you walk. My referral link

On Twitter: - Join the #seven77 (#777) movement to promote Steem started by @nathanmars7

Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here!

Join us at the Freewrite House for fun and games!!! Weekly drawing for SBI memberships and so much more!!


And get your Freewrite House Swag here


I hope you can make it. Although I am not going this time. Many things had changed since the last SF3 I thought I would and could go for SF4. Conclusion is I do not have helper anymore for me to be more mobile. Mother-in-law have new baby to take care now because I have new baby nephew, so she can't drop in my house too often. Financially we are tight because we just close down a food business who didn't earn but we kept pumping in money for it to run.

You try your best and I am praying the universe will back you up.

Oh, i was so hoping to meet you!! But I feel like we already met - you know what I mean. I hope your life will get easier again. But new babies need lots of attention (and so do new moms and we are new moms with every new baby :)

Big hug to you!!

food businesses are hard!! I used to own a grocery store and I was working all the time!

I really hope you are able to go @mariannewest, and I really hope to go too, stay awesome you rock!

Posted using Partiko Android

@mariannewest Put it out there and it will happen. Good luck.

I hope so. Getting the process started LOL

Good luck, Marianne :) Hope you make it there, as SF is such a fun experience :D

Thank you! I hope so too!! Are you going to try to make it?

Alas, not this year :) I've other plans for the autumn and those are gonna spend all my funds, I'm afraid :D

I hope you make it, wish I could go too. Maybe next year but with the way crypto is right now... not in the books. Even winning a ticket, it would still be hard. If I could go I'd certainly offer to share Airbnb with you! Hopefully some day we will get to meet!

Thank you! Hopefully next year, it all will look better for all of us.

If it was anybody else Marianne, but i believe you when you say you are going to steemfest4. I know you can do it.

I hope so!! Are you two trying to make it?

Nope not this one. Hopefully steemfest5

Well said @mariannwest, meeting people here in steemit is the real gold we dig. Enjoy your future trip. A lot of Steemian in Thailand. I thought @worldcapture is living there if I'm not wrong.

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That's correct! Great memory :))

Yes, I did not forget one time you commented my post that you are Chris , not a Thailand citizen but happily living there.
Have a nice day!

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It is!!! people are what makes us come back here when things get frustrating...

It is!!! people are
What makes us come back here when
Things get frustrating...

                 - mariannewest

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I am rooting for you, you so deserve to be there, you truly have the Steem spirit 🤗🤗🤗🤗

I really hope that you do make it. You've been something most of us have not being to this community and you have been so consistent that you so deserve this!

Here is to you and the people who have helped you turn #freewrite into such a vast community ♡♡♡ We love you for inspiring us to keep writing! :)

Thank you so much!!! We miss your freewrites :)

I drop in sometimes. I miss being a part of the community too 🌼

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I hope you get to go, Marianne! You deserve this and we will just keep those fingers crossed!

!tip 1.00

Thank you!! You are the world traveler. Are you planning on going? It would be so great to finally meet you!

And thank you so much for the tip!!! You are so generous!

It is my pleasure!

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