Road to Steemfest | The Embarrassing One

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Okay, so this week, for the last RTS before the actual big event, @anomadsoul came up with some fun questions to break the ice and help us get to know each other (with the held of @eveuncovered and @abh12345, of course)
And I've done my best to answer them, so here we go.
One of the requests, I swear...:))

1.- Tell us your most embarrasing moment in life.

Well, I keep coming up with the answer that I don't have any embarrassing moment, because you know, I'm great and all that, but that would be no fun. And while I can't come up with a single most embarrassing moment, there are a couple quite embarrassing ones that come to mind.
A few months ago, I was on my way to the theater and I was taking my sweet time, being in plenty of time for the play. And after shuffling around the building for twenty minutes or so, someone deemed to tell me that they had another building some 15 minutes away. This was less than 10 minutes before the show started and I'd be damned if I missed it. Naturally, being the lady that I am, I had on these monstrously high heels and a short skirt and I started running down the cobble streets. Gracefully, admirable really, you know, I was prancing along, still looking great and feeling really proud of myself for not falling on my ass.

Until naturally, I tripped somehow and fell on my ass and everything went tumbling down the street and there I was, with my legs hurt and sprawled about the place. And extremely angry so that when this guy came up picking up my stuff and grabbing my arm to pick me up, I turned to him and screamed FUCK as loudly as I could. I wasn't angry with him, naturally, but the poor guy looked very awkward and more than slightly scared as I scowled at him and cursed him as he helped me up and was nice to me. Naturally, after I had calmed down a bit, I started laughing, but at that moment, it was terribly embarrassing. I didn't look like a lady at all and to top it all off I was cursing my head off.
But I don't really have a truly embarrassing moment. I've said a lot of stupid shit and plan to say a lot more. I've had my fair share of misunderstandings and awkward moments, just like anyone. What's more to say about it?

2.- If you were stranded in a deserted island with 3 Steem Fest attendees, who would they be and why?

A very tricky one indeed. There are so many cool people coming and I have to choose just 3? Think, think, think. This one has to be a practical choice, but also a social choice – I mean it's of little help if he knows how to build a boat if we don't like each other, isn't it?
Well, the first one's obvious. @ned, duh. I mean he can probably call for a helicopter and save us, you know? So, I'd say he's a pretty good choice and even if he can't do that, say he's out of reach or something, he seems like a pretty resourceful guy, so I'm sticking with him.

Next, I'd say @guyfawkes4-20 because he seems like a fun guy, you know? Smart, too, so I'm sure that between us, we could fashion our way out of there and at the very least, have some interesting conversation going.

And last but not least, because we need some female presence on here apart from myself, @misslasvegas. She seems one smart lady, not to mention funny as hell, so I'm sure we'd have a pretty good time.

4.- If you had one superpower (any superpower), what would it be, why, and how would you use it during Steem Fest?

Hmmm what about telepathy paired with some coercion skills? I could get @ned to delegate all his power to me. Actually, I could get everyone to delegate all their power to me and that would be really useful.

Sleeping with my eyes open would be another great one. Looking through the conference speakers, I have to say I'm not thrilled by most of them. I'm sure they're great, interesting people, but I'm one cranky lady when I don't get my sleep, so I doubt I'll miss it for some of those talks.

And lastly, being able to ingest loads of alcohol without appearing wasted. Oh, the fun I could have at the others' expense, as they got progressively drunker. But as things stand now, I may be among the first to fall.

5.- If you had to pick one Steemian for a summer fling story, who would it be?

Well see, if there's one thing I've learned being on Steemit is to be ever hopeful. And right now, with all this talk of getting more people into Steem, I'd say one of our biggest hopes (although not necessarily the wisest) is that Steem goes global and that soon, everyone will be a Steemian. That being said, my summer fling Steemian hasn't joined Steemit yet, but I'm sure he will, at some point...


Anyway, thank you for reading and see you at SF3.



Did you got the way after the falling down right in time to the other theatre :) ?
Nice to meet you in Krakow!


Haha I'm not really into @ned's hair...I just don't get it :))) But nicely done!

Sleeping with my eyes open would be another great one. Looking through the conference speakers, I have to say I'm not thrilled by most of them. I'm sure they're great, interesting people, but I'm one cranky lady when I don't get my sleep, so I doubt I'll miss it for some of those talks.

Nice one...At least you're honest. :)

Well, why wouldn't I be? :)

Honesty is always the best policy I think...Except when you have something to hide, or a persona to represent like on Facesnap, Instabook and the like. Then it seems that lying is the order of the day... 😛

Hello @honeydue ! It's interesting to meet you! I like your writing style. When I read about you, I thought: I too can not remember any inconvenient moment in my life :) From which country will you come? I am from Ukraine! See you at SteemFest!


Hi, Olga! Lovely to meet you! Thank you, I'm glad you found something you like :D I'm coming from Romania, close enough :D See you there!

And lastly, being able to ingest loads of alcohol without appearing wasted.

Ha ha, that would be one of my super powers to honeydue! I guess I'm going to have to think up a different one now ;-)

Also, you've claimed ned and his helicopter.... back to the drawing board.

@raj808 Go for fast healing, alcohol is like a poison for your body. so it should heal the effects from it very fast 🤓

@honeydue, great answers and you got even the cheeky one from @eveuncovered handled with a very political and polite answer!
Would you really want all the power from all the Steemians? Can you handle the peep huge responsibility you would have with this power. I think I can't handle it, and I'm happy I don't have that much power 🤔

@raj808 Why? We can both have it, I don't mind :P

Ah well, I guess we can fly by and pick you up ;)

@guchtere not sure I'd want all that power, but it seemed like a bit of fun!

Why? We can both have it, I don't mind :P

Good point, no worries honeydue, I've done my own spin on the super power of being able to drink without falling over ;-)

I decided to leave ned and his helicopter for my desert island as I think I want to stay there, maybe :)

Hahhahahha, I was immediately thinking as well what you were going to do with Neds hair on that deserted island hahahahha.

See ya next week!

Why is everyone crazy about @ned's hair? :)))) It's not that great :)))) See ya!!

hahahahha, its a LOT of hair where hair seems to be lacking at men that same age :D

Nicely done :D

My meme skills are weak so I think (depending on what happens to me later!) i'll spare you from that.

Desert Island - @ned - helicopter - sorted :D

.. my summer fling Steemian hasn't joined Steemit yet, but I'm sure he will, at some point...

A cute escape from the minefield question, see you next week :D

Mwahahah I'm nothing if not cute. See ya! :D

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