A thousand, thousand choices (Road to Steemfest3)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

As you know if you've been following my blog, I will be attending Steemfest3 and I couldn't be more excited about it! This week, @anomadsoul gave the wonderful prompt of 'choices' for the Steemfest3 freewrite and I figured I'd join in the fun.
Hmm. Choices, that shouldn't be a difficult one, although it kinda is, because when you think about it, choices is what it all comes down to. Everything in your life is due to a choice you have made. Well, not always you, sometimes you're affected by someone else's choices, but even then, you're often in charge – whether you let yourself be affected by their actions or not. And how much. See, there's always a choice.

Off the top of my head, when I think about choices, I think about school. I've written on this blog a lot about my being unschooled, so if you're a regular, that's no news. But in case you're not, I gave up going to school when I was 15 because it was doing jack all for me and I knew of comfier places to read my books than their crammed little desks. Letting go of the “beaten” path was a hard choice, although it seemed logical at the time. I don't like it, okay, I'm going. But it was a choice that would affect me throughout my life, in one way or another. So far, it's only had positive effects on me. I've had loads of interesting experiences ever since I left school. I've been to a lot of new places, I've met people, made friends and all that. And I've learned. Because in my opinion, learning is also a choice. A choice of something that starts in you. You can learn from anything and anyone out there, but you're in charge and an army of teachers won't change that.
I probably would've never tried Steemit if I hadn't left school. I'd probably be enrolled in some crappy University, learning for a degree I do not want and have little use for. I didn't write much back before I left school, mainly because I didn't have the time. I remember sitting in class and scribbling a story down, on the back of my notebook. I was desperate to feel like I was doing something, like I was growing in some way. And then I left school and then I did a bunch of stuff, wrote more, and then I found Steemit, which was a complete game-changer for me.
And I doubt I'd be here or that I would be so present on the platform if I was in some degree program...
So, that was a choice that affected me in a good way, I'd say. A big choice. But you're faced with smaller, perhaps less important choices every day. What you read is one, what knowledge feeds your brain. Seems less important, but in the end is vital for who you turn out to be. Who you spend time with, again, big decision, although it doesn't look it. We turn into the people around us...Spend enough time with the wrong crowd and you might not be able to come back. Choices.
There's a choice in everything. To listen or be listened to. To bend the knee or stand up straight. To fight or give up. To eat pizza or a salad. To let go or to stay. To take a leap or stay grounded.
Choices, more or less crucial.

Just like going to Steemfest3, which to me is equivalent to taking a leap. Lately, I've been working a lot, trying to grow my writing career. As you may know, I have my first book out and I'm also working on some other stories, so I haven't really had time to worry about going to Steemfest3, to take in the fact that I actually have plane tickets to Poland, to meet a bunch of people I don't know, whom I only met online. Part of me is reeling. It scares me, it always did. Ever since I first saw the announcement for it and I was like 'huh cool', but I never thought I'd go. As I've said, it's not my style, it scares me.

But recently, I made a choice. To try to do all the things that scare me. Why? Well, that's precisely why. Because they scare me and they have no reason to. I think you should always choose to do the things that scare you, but it's often very different to actually do them, isn't it?
I mean it's all very nice in theory, but when it comes to actually doing them...well...

But I'm trying I try to locate the things in my head, the possibilities and why I keep away from a particular one.
Maybe I shouldn't do this, the little voice in my head says and I'd like to listen to it, but then this louder, more obnoxious voice bursts in and goes 'yeah, but why don't you want to do this? You're afraid, aren't you, you little scamp' and then, it's really your choice which voice you listen to. Just know that fear isn't a good reason not to do things.
Okay, maybe some things. But you should be able to distinguish between fear of death and fear of change.

So, I am choosing to go to Steemfest3, to take this leap and try and see if I can't find anything nice out there.
Wow, this really was an amazing prompt, @anomadsoul. It was a great idea to give out prompts because those take us along by-roads in our head, so it's not your typical 'Hi, I'm @honeydue', but you get to see how someone things. Loved it!
So, a huge shoutout to @anomadsoul and @eveuncovered (whom I understand was also responsible for this awesome idea) and here's the link to his post, if you'd like to try this too!

See you in Poland!



"To bend the knee"
I understood that reference.

I had no doubt you would ;)

If someone ever wants to make you bend it, you have my sword, and my axe.

Thank you! Wow, that really means a lot to me!

I predict that you will have a great time at steemfest 3. 😀

It's good to get outside your comfort zone when you make the choice to do it. it seems that most of your choices have worked out well and I expect the same with your choice to take this trip!

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Ow thank you, Kenny! I'm really excited about it!

wao that Steemfest3 promises to be good, all an adventure

Hi @honeydue

It's great to read a little more about your choices and how they have effected your journey, in life and to steemfest. I got some goosbumps reading about your teenage years as I had a very similar experience to you. In my case I left school when I was 15 also, but because of serious physical bullying. I was an alternative kid and I, maybe stupidly, decided to get a mohawk haircut (this was before they had come back into fashion through the David Beckham effect). I come from a rough area of the UK and my school was full of a serious conformist attitude and pretty violent kids. Anyway, I made my decision and I don't regret it as I escaped from being pulled into an outlook on life that would have left me angry and miserable. Silver lining.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi as I've been rather lax so far reading up on all the other awesome steemians going to steemfest 3.

P.s. I'm also a fellow #roadtosteemfest person, writing every week in anomadsoul's tag. It would be cool to meet up if I make it, which I am hopeful about :-)

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