Road to Steemfest - Icebreaker questions

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

What's up everyone?

I'm in a "dunno what's wrong with me " phase. I lack complete motivation to post anything on social media, cook healthy food, exercise or work. BJJ is usually like therapy for me, but I busted my knee last night so I'm once again on pause with training. But no worries, it's just a phase, and I know that Steemfest will reinvigorate me. I probably just need a little vacation....but thanks to @anomadsoul, I at least have a fun topic to write about =)

So before anyone here thinks that I'm mentally challenged, this post is in response to this week's dynamic to get to know each-other better in preparation for Steemfest. I didn't pull this out of my a$$ and am just following instructions ...

OK so here we go..... let's get the ugly face pic out of the way first and make a complete fool out of myself (@anomadsoul's instructions!). I just woke up too, so that's me in all my glory.

ugly pic.jpg

Most embarrassing moment(s) of my life

There's a few....I seem to have plenty of embarrassing moments for some reason.

Like the time I had a full conversation with someone I thought was a girl from school, but then I realized I was talking to a complete stranger and she had no idea who I was. My glasses had broken and I didn't see very well. Since I didn't want to admit that I had made a mistake, I insisted that she was the one with mental issues LOL. I wanted to die....

Or the time that I wanted to pay something at a store, and instead of putting money on the counter, I put a package of condoms my friend's dad had given me for my collection (weird thing to collect at that age I know!). I must have been like 11 years old back then. I was so embarrassed that I ran out without paying, and the sales man pursued me in the street yelling "you still have to pay!"... I wanted to die again....

Or the time hat I had a major fuck up at work. I was working as the Ambassador of Luxembourg's assistant back then, in NYC during the Lux. presidency of the European Commission. At the end of the presidency, ambassadors always organize a fancy black tie party, and invite their ambassador friends (EU only!). I thought it would be a good idea to organize a party of my own for the interns and young people working at the different permanent missions, and made a fancy invite on official paper with our logo...and went ahead and faxed it to all 192 countries at the time (now 193). There was an automatic button for that, to send it to all countries at once. The more, the merrier, right?

Little did I know that I caused immense confusion and a diplomatic incident at the United Nations headquarters. Ambassadors from countries like Haiti came to talk to "his highness" of Luxembourg and thanked him for the invitation. Others asking why non-EU countries are invited. My ambassador was of course like WTF, and once he found out he wasn't so happy. I had never been scolded like that in my life. RSVPs kept pouring in from countries who had no business in going to a nightclub party that was supposedly the official end of presidency party (I mean come on, the venue should have been a hint that this was no official business!), but secretaries from all over called me to tell me that their ambassador would attend. It was the greatest joke of all times, only that in that moment I wasn't laughing. The ambassador made me stay with the doorman at the club all night to make sure no ambassador would be let into the's a picture of that night dancing on the tables (it was memorable).


If you were stranded in a deserted island with 3 Steem Fest attendees, who would they be and why?

Oh that's a hard one since I don't know any of you quite enough yet. But just from what I know so far, I would say I would pick people with good survival skills, so I can sit back, relax, and do nothing. So that could be @raj808 since has some serious food growing skills, @anomadsoul because I can see him being the adventurer hunter-gatherer type, and the good thing is, none of us would need to shower anymore. The last person would be @yidneth because she would entertain us all with her music and maybe domesticate some wild animals around us.

If you had one superpower (any superpower), what would it be, why, and how would you use it during Steem Fest?

being invisible, and listening to everyone's secret conversations. Or reading minds. Maybe being invisible and reading minds. Man I could control the world... ah also mad fighting skills like Bruce Lee. So basically I wanna be an invisible Bruce Lee who can read minds. WTF...

If you had to pick one Steemian for a summer fling story, who would it be?

Man I want that 100% upvote, so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I would want to have a fling with @el-cr, he's a Steemian and is also going to Steemfest. There you go...I didn't not break the rules LOL

eve signature.png


Tomatoes (all the colors of the rainbow), multi-colored french beans, chili's (most important), salad leaves, carrots, beetroot, basil (mnnnn, couldn't live without it), potatoes, beetroot, Kale and some pretty sweet strawberries. That is what I grew last year so you made a good choice for the island. I gotta say I've listened to a few of @yidneth amazing songs and I don't mind digging all day if that's the sound track. I'm pretty good at spearfishing too & I recon @anomadsoul would know how to freedive and spearfish?

Fck it. Lets just organise buying an island and expand the occupants tfor more awesome steemians. Call it the steem-island-homestead and blog about it to fund the wifi 😂

P.s. I like the way you dodged/cheated on the summer crush question but still scored a maximum vote 😉 good work and fully deserved. I'm writing my RTSF post right now and am unsure what to say for the dreaded Q5!

See you soon Eve

ahahahahah well I had to avoid another diplomatic incident (see question 1), so I had to cheat a little on number 5 LOL. Oh yes >I'm totally down with buying an island btw, as long as it costs less than 100 steem , cuz I'm broke LOL

I'm totally down with buying an island btw, as long as it costs less than 100 steem , cuz I'm broke LOL

Yes, Eve we shall make it happen when steem hits $100/steem. A pot of 100 steem from 10 peeps would equal $100000 .... maybe enough to buy a modest island 🌴😅

I kind of did the same... though added a b otpion but also with a cheating/trick to it :) hahahah so not much braver :) but honestly, most of the mysterious accounts have not even pictures to them... XD not fond of blind dates

Ha ha, @yidneth. I'm not sure if you saw that you were my summer crush..... awkward ;-) Not really, I had to come up with someone to win a full mega-steem-power vote from Eric. I was sat there thinking how the hell am I meant to have a crush on anyone who I haven't met. It was a real funny question/challenge from the diabolical mind of @eveuncovered.

Hahah well played on the last one. Also, I give u a pass for not choosing on the first one as I'm not going officially :D And that picture is worth all the money haha :D

yes, ahah I thought about you but had to choose official steemfest goers =) otherwise you would have been on my stranded beach team for sure

Btw is your finger knuckle wider than the rest of the finger? i have it same haha :D is it cuz bjj or cuz we're skinny? I've heard people saying both and can't recall how was it before I started with bjj :D

ahahaahaha man that looks gnarly! These are my ugly BJJ fingers LOL

Oh man, I have a feeling you're going to have a blast there! It's been fun seeing the posts leading up to it, so I'm sure I will enjoy the ones once you finally make it, as well! Hopefully it will help you find that motivation again because I know you've still got those fitness goals girl! 😜

yeah fingers crossed...had a nice workout session this evening, that was nice =) I just feel drained...a vacation will solve the problem

Happens to us all! Sounds like you've been pretty busy with work, so a little time off should definitely help. Not much longer now!

That title photo Eve :D

LOL I had to ahahah it was part of the requirement

Some tough requirements hahaha. It's hilarious, I like it!

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hahhaha thanks so much for the mention @evecab Certainly I can lure some wild animals but we could not eat them (even if stranded) but befriend them and have more mouths to feed hahaha though maybe I could train the birds to collect berries for us with magical powers.... I also used the trick to have a fling with @hedac hahahah XD not very brave hahaha but it was the honest thing hahaha :) so consider myself a cheater on that one too

ah but no worries @yidneth, did I not mention it would be a vegan island? LOL...yeah I saw your question number 5 ahahahah I mean what can we do? LOL

I was never into flings anyway :)

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