Steemfest Shoutouts (Who I Want to Meet) - My Road to Steemfest

I asked this same question to @honeydue last week when we met up in Bucharest. So you can see some of the names we dropped in that post.

This week's Road to Steemfest tag hopefully proves that I've been mostly keeping up with the hashtag and am looking forward to meeting some lovely Steem users in Krakow.


First, I gotta mention the super cool people that I have met before that will be at Steemfest. I can't wait to see @coruscate again cuz we've had some good Steem fun already and am looking forward to more. @steemcafe will bring his fun-loving poker face to Krakow and it will be awesome seeing him again (pictured above). And @honeydue is the last of the Steemians that I know for sure will be there that I've met in person. Maybe I'll see a couple of the folks from Garden of Eden or even @virtualgrowth there? Oh, I've met @joeparys too, he'll be there.

So... for the ones I haven't met yet. Let's get @anomadsoul overwith, the obvious one since he's into travel like me and has organized this virtual get-together to know more people before we get to Krakow. I will love to me @oliviadejeu since we have several mutual friends IRL, including her boyfriend, who unfortunately won't be at Steemfest.

From who I've read in these #roadtosteemfest posts, I think that @llfarms and @soyrosa are kindred spirits so being their third wheel (or fly on the wall) should be very interesting. Even though I'm currently in Romania, I still don't know what Romanian Palinka is but @guyfawkes4-20 said he is bringing some and I'm willing to try. If it's anything like rakija in the Balkans it will be a trip.

The TravelFeed group will probably have a meetup so it will be cool to meet @for91days and @guchtere and anyone else active in TravelFeed.

@ramengirl so I have someone to talk to about Korea.

I've said it many times, but I hope @nomadicsoul will be able to make it. If not, I'll just threaten to go to Asia cuz she is there. (I will take any excuse to go to Asia. Can we have next year's Steemfest there?)

Okay, that's quite a lot already. Not even gonna mention the developers and dApp creators and stuff. Oh, I just did?

Steemfest is going to be a riot, Steem squad. And I can't wait to meet all y'all in Krakow.



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Oh, I forgot you will be there too, See you there

Wait, you're in Romania for so long already, but you haven't tried Palinka yet? This only means one thing, that @honeydue is a bad host, she should've brought you some at the meet-up, I'm disappointed by her now. :)))

I haven't heard for rakija yet but, after searching it on google, it doesn't look that strong; Palinka is about 60%ish strong, quite a trip for sure. :D

Looking it up, palinka does sound much like rakija, but since it's mostly home-made it can range in strength from like 40-60%. It has quite a strong effect on me and makes me very happy and kinda forgetful, haha. Looking forward to trying some.

They do sound similar, that's for sure. Haha, that's a great state to be in, I suppose. :))

@guyfawkes4-20 is it the same as Hungarian Palinka? Or different?

Some people could argue that it is but, I'd say that it's completely different, just way freaking better since it's traditionally Romanian. Strong but it has a great taste.

Haha that's precisely what I thought - haven't we had this conversation already? :D I look forward to seeing you too, @daveonarrival. I'm sure it'll be a blast.

No doubt, it will be epic.

Ohhh yeahhh - be our third wheel! Or from what I got from others like @raj808 maybe even a fourth of fifth.. You know what?! I think we will be the coolest kids at SteemFest! Sitting quietly in a corner observing the rest being all extraverted and stuff ;-)

Can't wait to meet you my kindred spirit - only a few more weeks!

Haha, I was saying you're each other's kindred spirit and I think it will be fun to observe that. But extrovert-watching does sound pretty cool. Honestly, I think most Steem users are introverted so you'll be in good company.

LOL! So you're going to observe the people who are observing? ;-)

I indeed believe most will be introverted haha - it's my favourite kind of people :-)

You got it. Lol.

See you there !!

It will be a blast!!!

If Romanian Palinka is similar to Hungarian Palinka then it's really strong but I like it. I had some peach Palinka that my Hungarian friend gave me here in Bali. She made it in her house and then brought it there. Apparently lots of people make their own alcohol in Hungary

Many people in the Balkans do too. 2 shots and my 2nd personality comes out.

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