Planning to attend Steem Fest 4 in Bangkok

in #roadtosteemfest5 years ago

Hello dear Steemians and all beautiful Blockchain people!

As I have mentioned already a few times I am going to attend Steem Fest 4 that will take place in November 6-10 in Bangkok.

So, this is the Steemit account of Steem Fest: @steemfest, organized on an annual basis by @roelandp. And this is the official site of Steem Fest:

Just to remind you I wrote in my previous post about my experience of attending Steem Fest 3, that took place last year in November in Kraków. In that post I outlined what the benefits to Steemians are if they attend such kind of event. Also, I explained in that post that Steem Fest 3 was a game changer in my STEEM and cryptocurrency journey. Just read my post!

Now, let me tell you about my plan to attend Steem Fest 4 in Bangkok.

As I explained in my previous post I've been unemployed since end of January and I have become a freelancer. That's why I know that attending Steem Fest 4 in Bangkok is very important thing for me, since now I don't have any job and I rely on steeming, trading cryptocurrencies, etc.

I am sure that visiting Steem Fest 4 will help me make some additional contacts, because there will be a lot of creative and influential people there (I know this, because I had already visited Steem Fest 3 and have some experience). So, after the event I may get involved into some additional crypto projects and start to earn money. So, I just want to say that I hope that after visiting Steem Fest 4 I will be able to find a kind of job.

Now, the question is how an unemployed person like me can save money and make it to the Steem Fest. That's the expenses I will have, according to my plan:

  1. A hotel room. 250 SBD for accommodation/ a room in a hotel for 5-6 nights.
  2. Plane tickets. Round trip from Europe to Bangkok. Approximately 400-500 SBD.
  3. Ticket to Steem Fest! The price of the tickets is still not announced. (last year I paid about 380 EUR. But I paid in crypto)
  4. Pocket money! In my view: 100-150 SBD for food, transfers, etc.

This is a breakdown of my plan:
1 ) About the hotel.
To be honest, I've been quite active on STEEM blockchain for the last 4-5 months (Of course, I knew that I had to start to save money for Steem Fest in advance). So, I've been able to earn just by steeming a bit of money and I've been able to save almost 200-250 SBD already. I converted those 200-250 SBD them into USD and keep them on my bank account/card. By this bank card I booked already more than a month ago a room in a hotel in Bangkok for 5 nights. So, I already saved money and booked a hotel in Bangkok.

Of course, I've booked a room in Prince Palace Hotel Bangkok on the site of I've chosen that hotel, because it is recommended on the site of
Steem Fest 4 pic 1.jpg
First of all, there will be many Steemians in that hotel. So, it will be very easy to make friends with other Steemians, because we will live in the same place. In addition, the Opening Drinks Ceremony of Steem Fest will take place in that hotel. That's why it is better to book a room there. We can stay there till late, have fun and don't worry about "how to get back in 3-4 a.m. to the hotel I stay in ...".Also, Prince Palace Hotel Bangkok has a great location! And the prices are affordable, in my view.

Actually, there are many cheap hotels in Bangkok. Some of the Steemians told me that they have booked rooms for 10-20 USD per night. But I prefer to stay in a good and comfortable place, and to be surrounded by Steemians! Hey, fella, Steem Fest is just once year! Let's enjoy the life!

2 ) About the plane ticket.
Yeah! Getting from Europe to Bangkok will not be cheap. But, wait! I was prepared for it! When I worked as a cryptocurrency analyst and a financial analyst for a brokerage company in Moscow for almost 6 years I used to fly a lot. So, I have accumulated a lot of bonus flight miles. When I remained without job in January, luckily, I realized that I had not spent those accumulated bonus flight miles. And in January I said to myself: "I will keep these bonus flight miles in order to be able to pay with them for the plane ticket for Steem Fest!". He-eh! So, I will use these bonus flight miles for my ticket from Europe to Bangkok. So, what I want to say is that I have already solved how to buy a plane ticket to the location where Steem Fest 4 will take place. Now I have to think only about the ticket to Steem Fest ...

3 ) About the ticket to Steem Fest!
Fellows, I check on a daily basis the site of, the account of @roelandp and the Steemit account @steemfest in order to see what the price/s of the ticket/s to Steem Fest will be. I hope they will not be very expensive ...

So, now I am creating actively content on Steem Blockchain: uploading videos, writing posts, etc. in order to be able to earn some money and to pay for my ticket to Steem Fest.

Yeah, I am also participating in some contest in which you can win a free ticket to Steem Fest (i.e. the one organized by @actifit and supported by @blocktrades). Here is the information about it and the link:

But, according to my experience, I never win in such kind of lotteries. So, I am not the person who relies solely on having luck. That's why I know that I have to work hard, to make content for Steem Blockchain, to earn some money additionally, in order to be able to buy a ticket to Steem Fest. That's why I will also write every time a post about the topics, relating to Steem Fest that @anomadsoul announces. Hopefully I will get some upvotes, will save this money and will be able to pay for my ticket to Steem Fest 4.

Ah, so far, I have about 940 STEEM in my account. It would be very nice if in the next 2-3 months price of STEEM reaches levels at least up to 0,50$. In this case I will exchange them and, hopefully, I will be able to pay easier for my ticket.

Fellow Steemians, I also have a Plan B. In the worst scenario I will power down some Steem Power ... Yeah, I don't like too much this idea ... but I have to go to Steem Fest! So, I am pretty sure I will be able to manage it to buy the ticket to Steem Fest (of course, if the price is not astronomic).

4 ) About the food!
Fellow Steemians, just to let you know that last year at Steem Fest 3 in Kraków it was like "all-inclusive"! @roelandp organized the fest so well! In the price of ticket to Steem Fest was included everything! Everyday we had breakfast, lunch, dinner and in-between buffets (coffee breaks, etc.). The food was so delicious. Omg! There were abundance of food and drinks! We ate at Steem Fest 3 so much!

So, to be honest I spent last year for food (Actually, I bought just one sandwich from a place next to the hotel I stayed in and a few chocolates) just about 10-15 EUR. And I bought that sandwich during the first day, prior the opening ceremony of Steem Fest 3.

That's why I think I will need to have in my pocket about 100-150 SBD. I will need this money in case I have to pay for transport within the city, for some souvenirs, etc.

I think I will be able to save this 100-150 SBD in the next 4 months, just by actively steeming!

p.s. Of course, at the moment I am unemployed, as I mentioned above. But I am an optimist! That's why I want to mention that in case I find a good job, preferably, in cryptocurrency field I will be able to earn much more money.

In this case I will go to Bangkok, or Thailand not just for 6-7 days, but probably for 2 or 3 weeks. @roelandp already mentioned in his post "[save the date] SteemFest⁴ Bangkok, Thailand - 6/7/8/9/10 November 2019 - ⛅ ฟ้าหลังฝน - Let's go!" in section "Come for SteemFest, stay for the Thai experience some great idea:

Explore beautiful sights, temples, (floating) markets, Thai massages, sky bars, enjoy epic streetfood, kindest people and new worlds every other Soi (sidestreet) you walk in to. And after 5 days in Bangkok? The Thai islands lure. Don't head back to the airport just yet. Shall we turn Koh Chang into Steem Island?

So, what I want to say is that, in case, I find a job and if I will be able to save some extra money, I will stay in Thailand a bit longer and will have fun with the other Steemians and will travel across Thailand! Yahoo!

That's almost all I wanted to share about my plan so far how to get to Steem Fest 4 in Bangkok later this year!

Fellows, if you are true cryptocurrency enthusiasts and devoted Steemians, do everything possible in order to attend Steem Fest 4! It will be something amazing! See you there!


you know who is laughing at your plans ;)
това е шегичка, защото стиймфеста е хипноза, но все пак участвам :P

Какво имаш впредвид, че Steem Fest е хипноза?

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ми то като цяло филма с новите пари е така....
все пак е една възможност за мен да преживявам тези трудни дни...
имам предвид, че съм се откъснал от системата в последното десетилетие.... и някак наблюдавам нещата отстрани...
ако не бях си продал първите 50 биткойна по 5 долара сега щях да съм милионер... но не ми е писано или по-скоро нямам такава менталност :)
с уважение:

Може би ще ти се получи сега с криптовалутите. Все ще можеш да купиш някои, които в близките 5-10 години ще се изстрелят.

Дано, благодаря за подкрепата!
Проблемът ми е, че през последните години почти нямам работа - даже хич :)
И ми е трудно да намеря (заради откъсването може би)
А преди години правех сайтове и дизайни и някак вървяха нещата...
Сега вече и не ми се стои много на комп. Може би трябва да сменя сферата и обстановката. Сериозно се замислям да се преместя в Атина, защото имам възможност... и така вярвам ще потръгнат нещата...
Иначе ДА, благодарение на криптото оттук-оттам съм се препитавал, но просто всичко се харчи :)
Засега STEEM ми е 1-вият HODL :) но знам че за валута няма да го бъде, просто е добър инструмент :)

В България къде живееш?

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man I need to get my shit together as well for this!. So nice to see you are already planning in the financial part. Hope to see you there!

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@greencross, man, I met you at Steem Fest in Kraków. I met you at in Barcelona. You joined STEEM blockchain back in September 2016. So you are a STEEM blockchain early bird. You know very well how important and beneficial it is (for a cryptocurrency enthusiast) to visit such kind of event as Steem Fest! Just be more active! Upload videos, write posts ... save some STEEM and come to Bangkok!

Man, I cross my fingers for you! I hope you will manage it to attend Steem Fest! See you there!

We will spy together on Bangkok this November, you will see!

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I am sure! :)

Great goals @cryptospa, and I am sure you will reach them, plus thank you very much for this valuable info about Steemfest and what to think about, I find it very useful in my own researh to find a way to go there, stay awesome.

Hey @cryptospa just checked out your post! You are going! It's awesome that you got down all the financials. Time for me to do that too! Thanks for sharing your experience and how you breakdown your expenses.

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Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.02% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Thank you!

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