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RE: Road to Steemfest Choices: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

Good thing you wouldn't sell a kidney. Who'd want it? (ha ha)
This "long term chronic condition" - haven't checked out the video yet but will, and first, I have to say all those wretched Anti-Inflammatory Diet books are onto something. Some foods are inflammatory, leading to Krohn's, arthritis, fibro, lupus, acid reflux, cancer, this, that, and the other. Give up processed foods, give up dairy and gluten - what is left, if denied my beloved beer and pizza?? - um, kale, and other stuff that leaves me ready to sell a kidney if it'd allow me to eat what everyone else around me eats. (Denial! They should all suffer the same denial, and eat bugs and broccoli and wear hair shirts and go fasting in the dessert. Gaaaahh!!)
You might never guess from all that how much I love your posts, Raj.
Write on!


Be careful checking out the video. I lift my shirt at one point and show my perfectly toned physique. Ha ha, it's a belly shot to show the level of inflammation (pregnant belly) I get but if you're squeamish you might want to give that section a miss 😂

My problem is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and through epic failing to get any form of relief by trying the juice fast (yes that's right I've just gone 7 full days and a night eating no food and drinking only green juices) I got so frustrated that I did an 9 hour internet research session (over two days) and think I have found a more sensible procedure to try next which involves L-glutamine supplements and some natural Antimicrobials (grapefruit seed extract). L-glutamine builds up the intestinal lining of the small intestine while the grapefruit seed extract kills only the bad bacteria in the gut. This is what they say on the internet anyway. We shall see. There are lots of testimonials saying it has helped some people and also a few clinical studies on both so I am hopeful.

Less hopeful of getting to steemfest if I have to keep buying supplements for much longer though ;-)

I feel for you Carol on the exclusion diets, I have done them all but they never helped me and part of me is glad cause I don't want to give up certain foods. I am going to limit them after this fast experience. One thing I learned is what it truly feels like to be hungry, so it is going to be much easier to limit my pasta and bread products.

Thanks for reading my 'good, bad n ugly' post.

Oh, Raj, you need to connect with @crescendoofpeace, if you haven't already! My allergies were confirmed with a blood test (incriminating gluten, milk, eggs, yeast, amaranth, and other ludicrous things). I feel for you. You're too young for this! But no matter what the age, those dreaded juice diets are supposed to be so awesome.

Nacho Cheese Doritos. Somebody tell me I do not miss them. Worthless inflammatory rootbeer floats, or pumpkin pie (milk and eggs in that stuff), much less whipped cream... nope, not me, I just can't wait to dig into my kale and tilapia. (--Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!)

I was drinking kale, celery, cucumber, ginger, kiwi & apple juice 5 days ago. Now that is some disgusting juice lol

tilapia is tasty though!

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