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RE: Quite A Dangerous Road

in #roads6 years ago

I am like you, when I am on such road I am so scared, I just shut my eyes and try to sleep. I had once experience when we were on the way up to Wick, that is the town on the far Northern part of Scotland we also traveled with car, and we had a lorry in front, the road went up so I always thought now the lorry's break fail and we will be smashed by it, my husband just laugh to it :)


it's always scary to drive behind a lorry specially if it's loaded
have you ever driven behind one with cars on it
double deck of cars?
I think every time we travel we've encountered that specially in DE cause most import and export trucks would use DE's wide road very comfortable to drive there even if you speed up :D

Oh, yes, the lorry full of cars, that is nightmare, I also can't see it in front of our car, actually before when I was driving I stayed away from them. When my husband is driving he has no problem, therefore my favorite entertainment during our long drive, I just sit on back seat and enjoy my sleep, another reason for that I have motion sickness and when I am awake that is very bad.

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