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RE: My 10 suggestions to improve steemit for Roadmap 2018

in #roadmap20187 years ago

Thanks for bringing #1 to me awareness... Conceptually this could be as 'revolutionary' as steem's content-valuation premise itself! So while I decided to make this comment to add my support for this point, especially as it was not something that reached my radar as a lurker of steem, I want to add some healthy cynicism of the implementation of such a 'growth hack'... because I could argue it might be MORE audacious of an objective than the addressing the very core steem itself (as called for in roadmap2018), in particularly I'll add by FAR, as being the necessities for the platform TO BECOME something sustainable at scale ECONOMICALLY, rather than technically. I'll be refining my detailed analysis/proposal regarding this fundamental issue of STEEM/it in a separate post, but wanted to include it here among my initial hat-tip to the possibility linked around point #1 as STEEM's success is intertwined between its fundamental design choices AND the USERS ability to reward better design (and good ideas).

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