RIP Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942 - March 14, 2018)

in #rip7 years ago (edited)

( Image lifted from google )

One of our most brilliant minds of this century has left us..

I regret to inform everyone that Stephen Hawking, An incredibly gifted theoretical mathmetician, physicist and general beautiful mind passed away some time today. He was 76 years old.

This man was ABSOLUTELY BRILLAINT. Having suffered from ALS disease and being wheelchair bound for a large portion of his life didn't stop him from completely changing the way we look at the universe and reality around us. We're unlikely to see such a brilliant being again in our lifetimes sadly.. This man was truly remarkable.

We've lost a legend folks.. Although I didn't know the man personally he certainly inspired me in multiple ways, stimulated my mind and made it incredibly transparent that regardless of the condition of a man's body his mind can shine brighter than our sun.

Thank you Stephen Hawking for fighting through your illness to give our species hope, incredible theories and a glimpse into what a truly evolved mind is capable of. You will be missed. As I write this tears have filled my eyes.. Collectively as a species we just lost someone incredibly valuable.

A moment of silence, prayer (if that's your thing) and love for this man.

( Stephen Hawking enjoying a zero gravity flight.. The smile and delight in his eyes - google images )

Rest In Peace Mr. Hawking


Stephen Hawking is a motivation to all lot of people, he was a gift to the work.

He lived a great life despite the ALS disease.

What a man! What a great loss!

Oh i feel so sad on his death. May ALLAH grant him high rank in JANNAT. AMEEN.

May Allah, Yahweh, God, Zeus, the Creator or whichever omnipotent overseer anyone chooses to pray towards see him find that answers he sought out and guide his life spark to a comfortable place.

So shocking to hear this. The man was relentless in his contribution to humanity. What stuns me most about him is how he never gave up on life and his contribution to human existence despite the disabling disease he suffered from.

Truly an inspirational being.. Wheelchair bound, physically crippled yet able to function at far higher levels of thought than most of us can even comprehend.

It's a sad news and it's really a great personality and he give us a new view to live the life and he give us most of science concepts and I have respect for him.

Oh man, he had a sense of humour, incredible ability to convey his thoughts and was likely stronger than 10 millennial combined in both his mental capabilities and will to fight through his debilitating disease.

I know he himself is one of the motivation for all who want to do something in there life. Even after his disability he give such a great explanation n field of space and research. Even I am a big fan of him. We had losses one of great mind.

This is such a huge loss. without the contributions of such mind the scientific advancements wouldn't be as swift as they has been. I am very saddened to hear this news. May he rest in peace.

Well spoken, you're correct. The man was faaaaaar ahead of the curve when it came to his craft and art.

His absence will cause a void, hope many scientists who are inspired by him have the intelliect and courage to provide us with further understanding of cosmos and the physical reality we live in.

wow, I had no idea he was so old, or close to death. this comes as a shocker to me! :( <3<3<3

I'd not heard anything of the state of his health weakening.. Granted people with his ALS affliction generally don't live to see 50+... Rough day for humanity for sure. :/

Truly a big loss for humanity! Brilliant mind with such interesting life story! Rest in peace! :( Wr have to learn from him

We've learned so many possibilities from the man already. Hoping to see more of his works and theories come to bare fruit as we continue to evolve mentally as a species.

He is world famous person...Whole world loss a great person......

Our species IQ as a collective dropped a few points with his passing. :(

I'm sad for losing this amazing scientist who brought us deeper understanding of physics and black holes. But on the other hand, I feel relieved about his death because he endured a lifetime of suffering. May he rest in piece, he was a living testament of the power of the mind over matter (no pun intended).

That is an interesting way to look at it and I appreciate your share of perspective man.

At least he's no longer having to suffer through his physical stuff. Thank you for reminding me of this.

Would love to thank Stephen Hawkings for his contribution in revolutionizing Physics and Mathematics. Shine on your way Stephen Hawkings.

His life and the ideas, work and mind blowing models this man gifted us need be celebrated.

May he find some of the answers he sought out when among the living.

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