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RE: @taskmanager has a contest! I'll pay for two to get into steemprentice!

in #rewards8 years ago

UV and RS and the accounts have been followed. Frankly I could use this a lot honestly LOL.

But this week I discovered my friend on here @karenb54 is struggling with a few things. Some of it I don't feel right about sharing just due to privacy even though she has posted about some of it.

She is on my mind a lot now. She is very nice and friendly to everyone, she is one of my fav. people on here because of that.

She is struggling a bit $$ wise and could really use a scooter to get around we found out this week. But there are barriers for her doing it, and I think she is one of the good ones here, on Steemit and anything that lifts her spirits would be good I think.

I am having challenges with several things with my medical file being buried due to my activism trying to help people out and calling out gov't related corruption and so, with no details really..... I relate to her a lot right now and would like to see her helped.



I Nominate Bionic Barry

I mean @barrydutton
Is that how you get two entries into the same contest Barry?
Yes it is, other Barry, yes it is..

I did add this as a signature to a recent post of mine!!! Won't be the last time either @d3nv3r -- TY again

Wow, LOL. You have been a constant support source for me and pop into my feed with great stuff when I least expect it.... TY very much my friend. I am touched.

You will see that used in my post signatures from time to time from now on, it took me a min. to figure out how to get it saved on my imgur. acc't, like I said, I am learning lol. I really appreciate your work @d3nv3r

11 seconds ago Transfer 11.111 STEEM to steemprentice on behalf of @karenb54, please add her to the list

Barry, your nomination touched my heart. I have just sent the STEEM on her bahalf... THIS IS NOT THE CONTEST WINNER, unless she remains the only nominee...
As of right now Barry, yours is the only name in the pool for also getting their entry paid.

So nice, TY very much for helping her out everyone.

Adding now, thank you @taskmanager

So nice, TY very much for helping her out everyone. Really.

That's one of our goals of helping.

I'm still learning my way on here. She is so nice. I appreciate the help for her, I wish I could do more for people but these days, I have a lot on my plate with my own issues and it bugs me. TY very much

Love to help. We also have to balance quality. So what if I split higher and lower quality to help both ends of the user spectrum so to speak.

You are going to have a difficult time trying to determine quality, as it is subjective and can change from post to post. Having quality posts doesn't mean every post will be quality, and having crappy, poorly formatted posts doesn't mean they will stay that way either.

I am unsure how you plan to do this, or how you plan to make it fair. Those that paid extra to join may be unimpressed if their posts are deemed low quality and end up getting shorted vote power.

Yes of course. A challenge to address both concerns.
Thinking some balance that takes in account amount paid as a thanks for contributing.
While also considering maybe an idea to award a little extra voting power to quality account that earns the group more SP as a whole. Which would make sense from the perspective a vote investment perspective. Will continue watching for feedback on these matters.

I don't envy the task you have ahead, but I do look forward to seeing the results :)

You can handle things however you feel is best. Just keep me posted on how to help or what to do. I will try and do what I can. TY for listening.

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