The Mysterious Case of @Solisrex - Featuring: @Peaches88 and @iamra8

in #rewardpoolrape6 years ago (edited)


Posts for 100 days, @solisrex has given 75% of his total rewards to Haejin.

Solisrex voting history..PNG

I have run into @solisrex a few times when initially researching haejin's posts. Solisrex is an account with around 98k SP, and has been up voting Haejin for quite some time now. Oldest post I could find by Solis was 2 months ago, and it took me scrolling through and insane amount of Haejin resteems to get to the end.

Oldest Post I could find.PNG

And what did we find, more resteems.

So as I am creeping on Haejin, I see a weird post up voted a ton.

It is the good old friend @solisrex.

Pointless comments, solisrex.PNG

Hmm, why is a simple picture comment worth so much?

Here comes the good part!

@iamra8 up votes over the past 14 days.
iamra8 upvotes.PNG

@peaches88 up votes over the past 14 days.
peaches88 upvotes.PNG

Are you wondering where these accounts got there money?

Solisrex steemreports delegation.PNG

Cause I was..... Seems it is coming directly from @solisrex. What is really weird about that is, solisrex made a big upvote about delegating to haejin back when haejin asked for delegation

Solisrex saying he'd give to haejin.PNG

See it on steemit here

I thought @solisrex had said he was gonna give 98k to Haejin. Yet, it seems he just gave 95k to himself, to further up vote himself.


Now you may be wondering, "Who is that handsome fellow named seaquester who @iamra8 and @peaches88 up vote all the time?"

Glad you asked.

Garbage Trash Upvoted.PNG

@seaquester seems to be a brand new account made by Solis so that he can siphon more rewards from the pool, and give to himself. 6 of his up votes went to Haejin when the account was originally created. That has now stopped and the account only up votes itself.

What I Think Is Going On

Back 16 days ago, when I looked at @solisrex's voting patterns, I noticed he was around 80-90% up voting only haejin, although he has so much SP. If I remember correctly, it use to be,

Rancho: ~91% of rewards,
Solisrex: ~5% of rewards,
Et al: Whatever was left over

So why the change in heart for @Solisrex? He was giving everything to Haejin, even committed to giving Haejin 98k delegation to help, "up vote," those hurt by the war when instead he just flagged people.
It all comes full circle honestly.

I have been suspicious of Solisrex for almost a month now, (beware: the comment in that post is super long), and this just adds to the fact that I believe @solisrex is a fake account of Haejin's, or possibly an accomplice.

These fake accounts I believe in aren't just willy nilly either.

Let us look at real voting, vs fake farm voting by Haejin.

Normal votes, how normal peoples walls look. Hey look, Haejin has some regular followers!

regular up voting.PNG

Bot votes, notice the systematic up voting an account at a time.

bot up voting.PNG

And before I split this into 2 and just make two posts, I will stop for the night.

Hope some of you learned something today. I hope it is that you can't hide on the blockchain. Everything is visible, and nothing can be erased.

Don't know whats going on? Read these!
Haejin Update

Haejin's 4.7% cut of the U.S. Economy would be $17.5bill Per/Week, $911Bill a year.


Do you understand your keys?
Your Steem Wallet and You


I just posted on joining the fighht... Gonna update it with this post's link on it NOW.... man your data... everyone should be following you and reading this!

I think you need to open a private eye business in the real world hahaha... i mean shit if we could get someone to do 1% in the fiat wait this is the american gov i'm talking about... my bad nevermind

Lol, I investigate security incidences in my current job which involves a lot of following the trail.

So it just kind of comes naturally.

Ask not what steemit can do for you , ask what you can do for steemit . 1 flag per day for Haejin.

Here is proof of my daily flag for him :

Every vote matter , make every 1 cents cost him 2 cents or more to get !!! I done my share by flaging him today .

All i ask is everyone of you to flag him once per day .
All it take is go to his post and on the red circle , flag him to down-vote him

So its a group of accounts that belong to a single person.


A mafia whose members are raping pool by upvoting each other and at last to the mafia.

I think it's time to form a cartel that will help each other to earn and that will decrease their shares

Lol, I kind of enjoy your post. Although, this is opposite of what I would like. I don't want factions of groups trying to control the SP. That sounds horrible for the platform.

But to some extent, I do believe that they are some sort of hacker group which is using there long saved bitcoins from stealing from people to buy tons of STEEM and then steal as muchSTEEM as possible as well.

Lol this is the only solution that I think to sustain here. If you try flagging them then they have much more power as well as accounts that will destroy your reputation and will hide your all posts.

And pls express if you have something better

thank you so much for sharing


Haejin stabbed himself here...
Everyone look at the writing pattern lol... It doesn't need a linguistic expert to detect this :D

Unfortunately not :[ That is just the title of the Haejin post he posted that picture comment on.

Would have been glorious though.

My bad ... But it's clear that the account is under his control for sure. Checked it, and all he does is resteem haejin's post...

@biasnarrative Wow Jerry that was a lot of work, thank you!
I will check them out when I get home this evening and can sit down and read.

This post has received a 16.67% upvote from @msp-bidbot thanks to: @biasnarrative. Delegate SP to this public bot and get paid daily: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP Don't delegate so much that you have less than 50SP left on your account.

Amazing stuff @biasnarrative. Let the truth come out :)

This post has received a 9.93% upvote from @lovejuice thanks to @biasnarrative. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

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