This may be the Droid you were looking for .... @echowhale

in #reward7 years ago (edited)

So I sent this new Reward Whale called @echowhale .2 SBD and the little Robot rewarded me with $ .65

More than Tripled my Investment. (depending on the price of SBD and Steem in 7 days)

This may be the Droid I was looking for.

Note: He only Rewards Original Content so it may be a human dressed like a Robot.

Or The Borg ....

Source: Youtube


The game changing human bot is here !!

The Borg.

Excellent. Very happy with @echowhale .... I sent .2 cents and was up-Voted with .78 cents (x 4) That is INCREDIBLE ! Wish I had more SBD to send. Thanks for this post @offgridlife

Nahhhh hes all robot. I like the post. I'm sure @echowhale does too.

He or she or it did a good job with my post

I tried @echowhale out to and it was right on. Thanks!

These voting human/bots like @randowhale really helped me get my posts out there ...

I'm impressed. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to try it!

If you don't mind helping me out... I'm wondering how you found out the specific dollar amount that you received from @echowhale for that post.
I saw that someone else had a screen pic of the list of the votes they received and the value of each but I can't figure out how he did it.

It's frustrating. I would like to see the financial breakdown to know how I came to get the results of what my post is worth.

I wrote down what I had before I sent my .2 SBD and who had voted ... ( I had .21 in votes) I sent my .2 and after @echowhale voted I went from .21 up to .86 which means his vote was worth .65 cents

It is random so you never know what you get... he says he only upvotes original quality content so if you have a post that he thinks will go on to make a lot of $$$ I'm sure his vote % will be higher so that his Curation reward is higher

Thanks a lot for creating this post/notification on @echowhale's debut. I'm hooked!

Excellent topic/post for you to attach an @echowhale upvote to. The connection between the two makes me laugh.

If I understand right, @echowhale blows all it's ability to vote at one time for all the people who have sent in SBD then it waits 24 hrs until it's recharged to 100% and then again votes all it's ability on everyone who has bid since then again.

Could be that it will be 24 Hrs until you get your vote.

I keep a 45% reserve to prevent complete SP loss. While some people will get a 90.00% upvote or even an @echowhale Power vote some others will only make an extra 15 - 20 cents it all depends on the content and a few other factors.

That's what I figured

I will check his Voting power here ....

He got down to 60 %

@re-engineer You can go to and you'll see the percentage.

Thanks @echowhale. It's exactly what I wanted! And thanks for the upvote! I'm totally amazed at how well that worked. You were my first dip in the vote bidding process and now you've gone and spoilt me for all others! 😉

@offgridlife today i had delays for a minor upgrade. Sorry for the delay. Upvote placed.

Thank you so much. I will send some more.

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