My @ReviewMe Profile! ✍(◔◡◔) Please leave your feedback about @reonlouw

in #reviewme6 years ago

@ReviewMe! I'm @reonlouw ≧◠‿◠≦✌


About Me:

  1. I am a husband.
    My wife is beautiful and accomplished. She is the person I most admire in this world. The fact that she chose me convinces me that I am not all bad.
  2. I am a father.
    My daughter (12) and my son (9) fills my days and my thoughts like nothing else. They are the joy of my life and my reason for persevering.
  3. I am a volunteer
    I work with Africa Food for Thought. They help to provide food security to more than 18 000 children daily in support of education. This may be the most significant work I get to do in my lifetime.
  4. I am a pastor
    My relationship with Jesus defines me and I love nothing more than introducing people to Him and to guide people in growing in their relationship with Him. " I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." C. S. Lewis
  5. I am a blogger (I think/hope)
    Steemit is my first attempt at blogging. My hope is to develop this skill and to become a successful blogger on as many platforms as possible. Steemit is a shortcut to monetizing such an endeavour and I hope that I will be able to connect with the rest of the online world via Steemit, in due course.
  6. I love people
    People fascinate me more than anything else. The uniqueness of every person, from fingerprints to irises to DNA to thoughts to identity, keeps me engaged with every person I meet. Whoever you are, I find you fascinating.


Johannesburg, South Africa. We have the best weather in the world. It is never too cold or too hot. However, you will never guess this from listening to Joburgers complain.
I would love to meet with any local Steemians.

Contact Info:

  1. Facebook
  2. Linked-In
  3. Twitter


ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっPlease review your experience interacting with me on!

To #reviewme,

1. Copy the text next to the stars exactly as shown for the number of stars you want to give me!
2. Write your feedback/review about me in the comments below. Help me earn a thousand stars! (^.^)/"
Note: Quality reviews can help others learn more about @kaliju and in return, earn upvotes.

one star ![one cred star](
two star ![2 cred stars](
three star ![3 cred stars](
four star ![4 cred stars](
five star ![5 cred stars](

I love this initiative by @kaliju and hope you will review me, but I also hope you will complete a post like this one for yourself. If you do, let me know. I would love to return the favour.

Thank you for participating and for being a part of my Steemit journey!





five star 5 cred stars
Hopefully you get to 1000. Visiting by way of @Kryptonia

5 cred stars
Here's my 5stars for you. Be yourself ,
keep going. You are an inspiration my friend😊

imma rate you with 5 star sir. you deserve it

![5 cred stars]
Any one of the 6 paragraphs would have been good enough for the 5 stars!
I also admire the courage to be so open about who you are and what you stand for.
Kryptonia @nexit5credstars.png

5 cred stars
Kryptonia @Hokkaido

I think it is good enough. #kryptonia #kryptoniabot from kryptonia @sujanshrt

3 cred stars

Tus post son interesantes, y tu personalidad también. Gracias por compartir con nosotros. Saludos @kryptonia

Great Review there, cant imagine living anywhere but america though, so I suppose more power to you. Thanks for the post though and good luck, and hope your Kryptonia is going well for you too...Love SUP
3 cred stars

![4 cred stars]
I want to give you 4 stars because of your honesty and courage to make known your life to the world. I cant give the perfect 5 stars because i am looking for more information.

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