Logan: A 90 second movie review.

in #review8 years ago (edited)

I just saw Marvel's latest superhero movie Logan. I truly enjoyed it.

Do you really care about me?

But that doesn't mean everyone will like it.

If you are looking for mindless, soulless action and fun, this is NOT the movie for you.

If you are thinking of taking your kid to see this... think again. It is graphically violent with very inappropriate language. This movie earned its "R" rating.

Logan is not a "popcorn movie".

Don't get me wrong, when there are fight scenes, they are spectacular. Seeing the little girl fight is simply jaw dropping. However, there are fewer action sequences than in most good superhero moves.

In order to completely appreciate this movie, you have to truly care about the character Wolverine. I don't just mean you have to think he's cool or funny. You need to want to see what happens when he's not slicing, dicing and cracking jokes.

If you would like to know why a fierce killing machine is gently holding this tiny hand, this movie is for you.

Viewing this movie is like watching your favorite sports hero play his last game well after his prime. You want to see him dunk, hit a homer or run for touchdown... but in the end, maybe the best he can do is make a few unspectacular plays that help his team win. As you watch him, you think of the highlights of his (and perhaps your) youth. You look at him with appreciation rather than awe. Watching him stirs your emotions... just like this film.

I do care about the character of Wolverine. I did enjoy seeing him broken down and then grow emotionally. Because I care about the character and wanted to learn more about him, I was never bored for one second during the very long intervals between action sequences. The emotion is what kept me pinned to my seat in this one (as opposed to the action being the key factor for most super hero movies).

If this trailer gets you "choked up" then you already know you must see this movie.

So should you see Logan?

If you think you would enjoy watching a two hour love letter to the character of James Howlett, you should run out and see it today.

If you like the character of Wolverine and think you'd like to see one last chapter in his story, lower your expectations of action a bit and go see it... or wait to rent it.

If you are looking for a "popcorn movie" like The Avengers, perhaps you should wait for Netflix or skip it altogether.


There is a really funny "R" rated trailer for the next Deadpool movie right before Logan. It was awesome!

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Way to go! Look at the action on Twitter!

Thanks for getting it out there! You have done such a great job trying to promote people's work. I know you put a lot of time and effort into it. Thank you!

My husband and son are out watching Logan as I write this ;) Though from your description it doesn't sound like the typical 'guy's outing' to me ;) Very cool, I'll check out deadpool.

Aside: @therealpaul painted the cover for my book Reborn. It's magnificent, it needs to be seen (I just put up the post)

Actually... it might spark some good conversation between the two of them. I'll check out your post right now.

Thanks for the review. I look forward to seeing the movie. I've always enjoyed how the x-men universe explores themes that are resonant with the real world, like persecution and fear of those who are "different" from us. Wolverine is undoubtedly my favourite character and I think Hugh Jackman gives him a depth and passion that is truly moving.

It sound slick this movie was made for you!!! I really hope you enjoy.

They do a really nice job with the persecution theme in this both overtly as well as with habit more subtlety.

Thanks for the review. Always enjoy your insights.
I posted the trailer and a little backstory on this a couple of months ago. The movie is sort of a hybrid of a series of a parallel Wolverine that was aged. This leaves the series open to continue the character and simply leave this one in an alternate reality.
The song, Hurt, is perfect for this trailer, IMO. You can feel it...

Deadpool... I watched about five minutes and turned it off. To me, it was trash... along the comfort zone of being in a whorehouse with a troop of drunk sailors. Personally, I didn't want to subject my mind to it.

I buried the lead. Did you already see Logan?

No, we rarely see them in the theaters. Our sound system is good enough to watch at home for a couple of bucks and the advantage of snuggle time. :) Plus, for a little more than it costs at the theater, we can grill a steak.

I forgot about about that. This will be a great one for your set up.

This didn't quite follow the story of "Old Man Logan" perfectly but it was inspired by it for sure. I do like how marvel has started to do what the comics have always done... have multiple realities. They don't all have to fit in perfectly with each other.

As far as Deadpool goes, I completely understand your point of view. It was not like any Comicbook movie I can remember. I saw it as ridiculous and "over the top" like some scenes in "Kill Bill". But I completely see how it would not be for everyone. I viewed it almost like a spoof... a gory and "R" rated spoof but one none the less.

I can take the gore. :)

Do you like dead pool in the comic books?

I haven't really read comic books much, so can't answer. I just couldn't handle the vulgarity of the movie.

Oh I can understand that. Amy son and I watch all the superhero movies together... but not Deadpool. Never. I would feel uncomfortable watching this with him when he is 30.

Oh yeah and Hurt. I loved NIN for nearly 30 years now and thought Johnny Cash's versions of it was simply amazing. Whoever thought of combining that song with these scenes needs a raise. A huge raise!!!

We really enjoyed it but it was a pretty depressing movie. The part with the farmer was heart wrenching.

I know! That was a very shocking sequences. Power, sad, but well done.

best your post

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