My Project.hope Top 3 Post Review.

in #review3 years ago

Hello everyone, hello Project hope members. I hope you are enjoying your day.Please remember that health is wealth and stay safe.

Today i will be writing my project hope top 3 post review and this is the 41st edition.

Let's get it going.


My top 3 Project hope post

The major purpose of this post is to write a review on the top three posts i find valuable on the community, I saw a few reviews and mine might be different since we all have different interests. All this said, let me give my top 3 post on project hope:

1 Debt will hit you when you are most vulnerable!


People don't have to earn debt, like they do a paycheck. That makes debt easy. When something is easy, people don't value it as much, therefore they use it on things that usually don’t return the value they borrowed, like take out a home equity loan for over $400,000 over 40 years and then lose their house to foreclosure in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.

Debts are actually really risky and at the time when we least expect it will dawn on us that we have made a very terrible life mistake.

Why tipping is healthy for a business


Employees are a major aspect of the business that needs to be kept happy, we can make them happy by deciding to tip them from time to time.

Management Skills to Defeat your Competition

As we continue in this post, I will be sharing the skills required to manage a company and the first is Time management as it is required to get things done. People are willing to do jobs after 1000 years but as a manager, the ability to manage time as well as assist employees to manage time is key.


As we continue in this post, I will be sharing the skills required to manage a company and the first is Time management as it is required to get things done. People are willing to do jobs after 1000 years but as a manager, the ability to manage time as well as assist employees to manage time is key.

One sure thing that is sure to happen in business is the development of competition, and when a competition arises, the existing business must be ready to pull things through and make it work out.

You can read more about this post by clicking on the topic.

Written by @elity-sitio

This is my weekly post and I will be doing this on a weekly basis. You can take your time to check out the @project.hope community and delegate to the community.

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