Vikings one of the best series Review#2

in #review8 years ago


Hey guys how are you?

Today I will review another series I really really like and find very interesting for reasons I am soon gonna reveal. I only do and will do series reviews about the ones I have watched or watch currently and pretty much the ones I like and suggest for all of you

Vikings is a historical drama-action series for the history channel and has already 4 seasons. ( I believe 5 season is confirmed too). It was filmed in Ireland so expect to see many great pictures and landscapes. The show follows Ragnar Lothbrok one of the legendary Viking heroes and well known for raids in England and France.  

Think of it as something really big cause at that time Vikings only went for raids on specific lands, so for someone that lead them somewhere else with many more riches it is considered a life changing thing 
Season 1 trailer

Moreover as we explore the journey of Ragnar Lothbrok we get to know new characters, kings and kingdoms. The time passes in the show and we get to see Ragnar to many different roles, as a farmer, a warrior, a father and a king. Finally, we get to meet his famous children that continued the legacy of their father and stayed in hall of history fame till now.

The best thing about the series is that it’s historic  (according to me ofc)

And what I mean by that you ask? 

The whole purpose of the show it’s not only to make money by creating a typical fantasy series with magic fire dragons aliens etc etc but to present to everyone the tales and what happened in the medieval Scandinavia. We learn about their way of life, their beliefs and gods, their tradition, the family bonds. How they explore, raid, fight and if there at last they were the evil badass fierce warriors that only liked fighting and killing. Historians helped into making this show so assume to learn many great things about their whole culture. 

Another great thing that you learn is the role of religion at this time. I believe they present religion (that is a very open arguable theme even nowadays) with the best way possible, without taking a side and by showing us the ‘’goods’’ and the ''bads’’ of it. 

Season 2 trailer

Fights are in a whole different level in this show, you can expect great fights and strategies and if you check on YouTube the actors are trained hard and actually learn how to do the fighting scenes from well-trained people, giving the show ''the something else''.

Mostly every character is based on a real one or a legend and many of the battles taken are actual battles that took place many many years ago. There are some inaccurate mistakes with the historical events amended for dramatic effect but I bet you will learn a lot of things about Vikings  

Fun fact: they haven’t had and wore helmets with horns! 

Finally, I consider that show one of my favorite’s cause everything adds up and make it perfect from all perspectives but the main thing I believe with all my might is that our history can generate a lot of great shows and teach many useful things better at some extend than school. For the series enthusiasts that love the ancient and medieval style our history has great material to offer and Vikings is one of the shows that prove that.   

I dont want to have all the trailers and make it tiring so if you want to see the other click below
Season 3 trailer and Season 4 trailer
As you can or will see I haven’t done any spoilers like who is dying or what will going to happen because I am a cool guy!  Tell me what you think of the show if you have seen it and watch it if you like these type of series. If you can think of ways to improve my content please say so.  
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