Book Review. Killing The Deep State: The Fight To Save President Trump

in #review6 years ago (edited)

I told you steemians that after reading both Fire and Fury, as well as Joe Biden's book, I would indulge in something quite different. That included reading a recent book by Jerome Corsi, a Harvard university professor, titled, Killing The Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump.

deep state.jpg

Corsi has also authored books highly critical of Obama, Clinton, Kerry and much of the politics of the last three decades.

I came into this book with as much a open mind as I could muster. I take conspiracy theories seriously, but scrutinize them to the highest degree. Often I find conspiracy theories have a tinge of truth and a tinge of coincidence, but there is are very, very few that actually pan out to how they are portrayed and understood by those who believe them.

The Auidance

The audience for this book is made very clear by the author. He says that half of Trump suppoters fall into, as Hilary Clinton described as "A basket of deplorables". A portion of the population insinuated by Clinton to be uneducated, racist, and generally angry, stupid or lazy population of people who have no concept of greater issues or concept of self. The other half of Trump supports, the author argued, shared at least a combination of the beliefs described in the book and want to see a end to the deep state and dismantling of a globalists agenda. I suspect there aren't many independent, and even less democrats who will read this book.

You will have a tough time getting into this book unless you love conspiracy theories or believe that every president since Regan has been part of a globalists Illuminati and the creation of a one world government. With the endeavor funded by George Soros and implemented willingly by the justice department, F.B.I. C.I.A. N.S.A federal reserve, central banks, all as an effort to control U.S. citizens, if not the world. While the game of global politics and corruption is ugly, the depth and level that this book tries to establish is truly beyond belief and it ignores all contradictory evidence. The book tires to discredit any investigative findings, by simply saying that Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Robert Mueller and Loretta lynch are all deep state operatives that serve their masters Clinton, Obama, etc. They have teamed up with the mainstream media to hoodwink america, congress, 99% of people in the all departments of the government all while peddling drugs, guns, misinformation and blackmail to end American democracy.

One of the most ironic things I found while reading this book, is that the mainstream media is complacent in this grand conspiracy, but most of the sources, information, and evidence the author cites, come from that mainstream media.

There is also some information that the author completely ignores. He blatantly lies that there was zero contact or collusion with the Russian government. That the Russian government didn't even want or try to help Trump win. That the narrative Russia wanted to help Trump appeared from thin air. We know this is false as agents of the Russian government met in Turmp tower with Trumps son, campaign manager and son in law charged with some of the most responsibility in the White House, with a email explicatly saying, "that this is an effort by the Russian government to help elect Donald Trump". How that author can ignore such a basic event, is beyond me and irresponsible. It is evidence that the author is purposefully trying to mislead his audience.

There is also the overstatement of events, such as the efforts by a few pockets of radical people in a attempt to try to prevent Trump from becoming president, as a massive undertaking by the deep state to remove or block Trump from the presidency. They are gross overstatements trying to mascarate as evidence of the existence/ activity of the deep state.

Rotten at the Core

The central flaw of this entire book is this. If a deep state existed and the individuals this book implicates are participants in attempt to establish Obama's vision of a one government world set on undermining American democracy. And this organization controls the highest levels of the C.I.A. F.B.I N.S.A. Justice department , world bank , IMF and treasury department, then how could they not prevent Trump from the presidency? And the efforts they supposedly did take are so backward and inefficient, that either this is made of the most incompetent corrupted officials on the face of the planet that have walked ass backward into their high level posts, or this the Illuminati like organization doesn't exist.

Not only this, but the book completely discredits all achievements, accomplishments and good deeds of James Comey, Rob Rosentstein, Loretta lynch, Barrack Obama, Jimmy Carter Bush, Clinton and Robert Muller have done for this country. The author also rails against figures like McCain and Jeff Sessions. People who I disagree with ideologically, based on their life and actions, have integrity and commitment to this country.

There were some things that I did enjoy about this book. I learned of a few things in the history of some of the current players (Comey, Rob, etc) as well as some curious things that are defiantly evidence of Clinton's pay to play politics and skirting with legal and ethical law. I researched some of the assertions the book makes, and although many seem false, there are some interesting findings and I defiantly learned a thing or two. I do understand some of the games the C.I.A. and other government agencies have engaged in conduct that is unbecoming. That international companies and wealthy individuals work hard on influence campaigns. That politicians sometime have shady dealings, but that does not excuse belief in some of the garbage that this book pushes.

If you enjoy conspiracy theories or have deep state hatred you will probably love this book. Even if you don't it might be interested in reading this book to pick apart some of the arguments for yourself, but also learn a few things yourself. Although overall, I would not recommend this book, there are much better reads.


Corsi has his own agenda, I do not trust him..

He does, and the more research I did about him and some of the claims he makes, I am seeing that

Will take a gander at these books! Upvoted!

Maybe skip this book, the next book I review will be much better!

what is it?

Let me know if you have any feedback for this latest post of mine, quite an interesting topic I tell ya-

It's promise me dad, my latest post today, and I'll check it out!

One should be extremely careful in labeling something a conspiracy. For one business is conducted as a conspiracy to make a profit. More importantly that is also how de facto conspiracy corporations operate. Another thing is that any time two people meet with no others present there is evidence of a conspiracy. Conspiracies are not illegal nor are they unlawful unless the conspiracy specifically is to perform some unlawful or illegal act.

“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term"

Fair enough, that's good criticism. I broadly use that term in the review and loosely without specific context. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! I did research a lot of assertions in this book and they are either false or extremely misleading or exaggerated. Weaponized term, I do agree.

Most books are slanted. For me it is easier to take basic information about subjects and determine how a situation fits into the matrix. So I take Law Dictionary's and the descriptions in them and determine whether or not something fits the description. I take finance law and determine what is happening based on their own description. Another way is to take the basic rules of design or construction and determine based on the description what caused a bridge to collapse. So it is subject dependent, but work s well for me.

As a result I am no longer surprised that people think weird stuff about a lot of things. They are usually asking someone to tell them what happens and a lot of the time they are asking the criminal or the faulted party to tell on themselves. Which isn't going to happen in most cases. You can however discover truth if you go to the very basic of just about any subject. For instance Law is dependent upon the basic rules of reading and writing. They always without fail will apply. So if you are getting data or information that contradicts those very basic rules of reading or writing it is the data that is faulty. A long comment. Sorry. lol

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