Wunderlist - This App will make your life a little bit better

in #review7 years ago


In short Wunderlist is a cross-platform to-do list.
In detail it is so much more than that. It can be used at home for your weekly groceries or it could be used at work as a daily or project organizer.
Wunderlist can handle multiple lists, multiple users and can be used on multiple devices. I have it on my phone, my home computer and my work computer.
I usually leave the webpage open on my computer at work. When I am out on the shop floor I will make additions to the list on my phone on the go. When I return to my desk, all the new tasks are there waiting for me. Below is a screenshot of the webpage layout.

Lists can be shared with multiple users so help communicate tasks that need completion. I have lists shared with family members and coworkers. The great part about this feature is that it will notify you if something has been added, or if something on the list has been completed. If I notice that my wife is completing items off of our "grocery" list, I can quickly add other items to it that she will see immediately and be able to purchase. It has all but eliminated the dreaded question "did you get the milk?"


Another one of the great features is being able to assign reminders to task. You can take any item on any of your lists and assign the task to a specific member. You can set a due date as well as a reminder to ensure that you don't forget about it.
You can add additional notes and you can add files as well!


I had been looking for a note taking / list making app for a long time before getting wunderlist. This app was the most intuitive to use. It was quick and easy to learn even for my non tech friends and wife!
It also gives you a great deal of satisfaction every time you click on an item and here the "ding" signifying that the task has been completed!

This is an app that I continually suggest to others. It has made me more successful at work and at home.
I hope it can help out others the way it has me.

Do you have any organizer apps that you use? Do you use Wunderlist and have a different opinion?
Let me know in the comments below.

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is a loving husband and father who enjoys spending time with his family no matter the activity.

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I use it myself. The sync feature with my wife is very helpful. We also have a grocery shopping list there which comes in really handy when I get sent out to shop.

@dadview. I use it ALL the time. And the best part is I share some list w my husband. Synced.

The shared list feature is great. It has definitely prevented a lot of the "you never asked me to do that" discussions in my house.

I use colornote on my phone as a notebook and to keep lists of films to watch, etc. Wunderlist sounds good though for to dos and projects. Gonna give it a blast. Thanks, Dadview - 50th follower!

Thanks for following!
Just checking out some of your sketches. You are extremely talented. I will take a look at colornote. I have a list in Wunderlist for films to watch.
I think you are going to like it.

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