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RE: Retro Reviews - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

in #review7 years ago

Hehe, i vaguely remember prot warriors coming to life in that expansion for PvP. I was usually Arms and Fury for raids and coming from TBC we had a much harder time. :D


i played mace spec rogue up until they changed the spec from chance to stun to some bullshit. if you were lucky you could keep a enemy stunned the entire fight

Got out of pvp eventually and played dr00d tank in heroic ICC

Druid tanks always so OP! My prot war was always so jealous that my buddy who ran druid could be bear form fighting guys almost get killed change to travel form run away and then change to druid form heal up.. and then bam right back in the fight with full health against a rooted enemy with half health lol... so unfair.

oh man i remember the mace stun rogues.. doooche bags :)

Haha, mace spec warrior in TBC was insane. :D

I loved playing my frost dual wield dk in wotlk. Tanking was a blast for the short time that frost tanking was relevant. It didn't compare to the fun I had on my boomkin. Starfire crits in bgs for 150% of peoples health lol.

Ya I ran prot from vanilla till I quit after Warlords of Draenor. Like most our class had ups and downs for sure in PvP I loved how rogues would get thrashed when they came at me, only the sneaky ones ho would crippling poison me and bleed me while run away to bandage would ever get me and that was rare. The rest got rocked by revenge and shield slam. As the game went on we got enough ways to get out of snares so it got better.

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