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RE: Corporate Responsibility

in #responsibility7 years ago

In society, we don't punish someone that is earning too much money for their work. To downvote a "overrewarded" post is purely motivated by monetary understanding. My understanding for the downvote was to kind of inform the community of content that is not only harmful to others, but harmful to the platform and prevent it from being in plain view on frontend UI's like

We need to care about the quality and not the quantity. The content and the content creators are in essence, "independent representatives" for the Steem blockhain. We have to care about the community that makes up the Steem blockchain and support content that will bring value not just today, but 10, 20, 100 years later where people will access content for information and knowledge. Having the corporate responsibility and understanding that corporate actions, decisions, behaviors, and impacts, are affected when those that are high up in the company lack the responsibility to even care about the content and the entire community and we see this.

Zing! Nice job!


Thanks. Before it was steemsports, now it seems it's about the people that are always on the top trending. Not your fault the system has flaws. You're not even running bot's or in a guild so I don't see how you are "overrewarded." If you are not even trying to game the system...

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