Corporate Responsibility

in #responsibility7 years ago (edited)

Monetary Understanding

We have an understanding that when we add monetary value to something, that always changes the dynamics of things. We have always seen it as a way to incentivize to be productive in the world, and it does. But after centuries of having this system, we have an understanding that it has been long in human history that individuals will lie, cheat, and kill for monetary personal gain and neglect moral responsibility. We will spin it in any way we can to justify the personal gain as a profit." We need to pay the bills." Unfortunately this is true but this is our own doing by using the system as a collective and not caring enough to make a change. Just like bitcoin, the fiat system is based on speculation and for so long we believed and trusted in the system. We trusted and believed that this system is how we're supposed to do things in order to produce and exchange goods and services.

Social Understanding

Now when it comes to social groups we understand that there are so many dynamics in social behavior. Being in the technology age, we see the social dynamics changed even more with social media. There have been so many benefits to using platforms like Facebook that it is now a part of our everyday lives. We use it for news, keep in touch with family and friends, emergency situations, etc., but we do see the negative outcome of social media. We see a lot of cyber bullying, cat fishing, invasion of privacy, doxxing, etc.

Since we need money to survive and live in today's society, the monetary system goes hand in hand with our social behaviors and understanding.

Social Media + Digital Currency

Steemit is the first of its kind and has combined both aspects of a monetary system and social media platform. When combining the two, the issues for each understanding carry over to the new hybrid system.

We as a collective require a moral responsibility to the very platform we use.

There have been numerous studies to identify the relationship between corporate financial performance and corporate social performance. In one study, found that "social performance seems to be both predictor and a consequence of financial results, forming what they called a "virtuous circle"."

We have drawn upon this research to propose a model in which intangible resources, traditionally perceived to be the basis of a firm’s competitive advantage

This particular study was to help explain the relationship between corporate financial performance(CFP) and corporate responsibility performance(CRP).

CRP is conceptualized as the broad array of strategies and operating practices that a company develops in its efforts to deal with and create relationships with its numerous stakeholders and the natural environment. CRP reflects the idea that responsibilities are integral to corporate actions, decisions, behaviors, and impacts, whereas the concept of corporate social responsibility connotes the discretionary responsibilities of business.
Differences in firm performance are primarily the consequence of differences in a firm’s endowment of resources, especially intangibles, as they are difficult to acquire or develop, to replicate and accumulate, and to be imitated by competitors

The possible intangible resources are technology/innovation, human capital, reputation, and culture. Research has corroborated the positive influence of the intangible resources on the competitiveness of a firm.

Developing close relationships with primary stakeholders a firm can develop certain intangible resources—technology, human resources, reputation, and culture—which enable the most efficient and competitive use of the firm’s assets and help it to acquire a competitive advantage over its rivals.
Building a positive reputation ensures the continuing participation of stakeholders in corporate activities which is basic to "the survival and continuing profitability of the corporation."

Having a great reputation allows a firm to attract better employees, better labor commitment, better negotiation terms with investors, and build customer loyalty, all of which result in better CFP. BMW is an example of building a corporation through CRP.

In 1990, BMW initiated a ‘design-for-disassembly’ process...[through which] [b]y acting as the first mover, [the company] was able to capture the few sophisticated Ger-man dismantler firms as part of an exclusive recycling infrastructure, thereby gaining a cost advantage over competitors [...]. This move enabled BMW to build an early reputation [...] as a precursor to the introduction of its new line of design-for-environment...automobiles. Once the company had developed and demonstrated the take-back infrastructure through its exclusive BMW dismantlers and disassemblers, executives succeeded in establishing the BMW approach as the German national standard. This move required other car companies to follow BMW’s lead, but at substantially higher costs

Having a social responsible strategy can be the source of fundamental changes in the business philosophy, decision-making criteria, and ways of working together on Steemit.

CRP generates a common language among organizational actors trying to communicate about social issues, leads members to share routines to develop and implement innovative solutions, and creates formal and informal channels of interaction among stakeholder groups. Thus, by incorporating social considerations into business activities, a firm can develop a culture of innovation and collaborative relationships and mutual trust among stakeholder groups.
When social and environmental awareness becomes rooted in the company’s culture, CFP improvements follow.


Table 1 describes statistics for all variables used in the study. Variance inflation factors(VIF) had no problems in the data. Table 1 also shows the positive associations between intangibles and both measures of performance.

The remainder of the results are 2 test models.

Model A: Mediation of intangibles in the instrumental approach.
Model B: Mediation of intangibles in the slack resources approach.

For Table 2, CRP is positively and significantly related to CFP.


After taking a look at the connection between CRP and CFP, more further research is needed to clarify how CFP and CRP operates, direction of causality, or omitted variables that intervene between the two.

In society, we don't punish someone that is earning too much money for their work. To downvote a "overrewarded" post is purely motivated by monetary understanding. My understanding for the downvote was to kind of inform the community of content that is not only harmful to others, but harmful to the platform and prevent it from being in plain view on frontend UI's like

We need to care about the quality and not the quantity. The content and the content creators are in essence, "independent representatives" for the Steem blockhain. We have to care about the community that makes up the Steem blockchain and support content that will bring value not just today, but 10, 20, 100 years later where people will access content for information and knowledge. Having the corporate responsibility and understanding that corporate actions, decisions, behaviors, and impacts, are affected when those that are high up in the company lack the responsibility to even care about the content and the entire community and we see this.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Sources: 1, 2

You can find the entire research here

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Feel free to follow and find me in Smart Media Group on Discord.

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Excellent job in having a vision that includes far reaching consequences for the whole platform based on what we do on here every day!

"We as a collective require a moral responsibility to the very platform we use."

If this platform is to thrive, this statement has to be understood and put in practice by as many people as we can and the success of it all is directly dependent on this, on the long run. So, where are we to invest?!? not only quality of content in terms of information but quintessentially in our communication styles as well. Like a giant piece of fabric, every time we encourage, upvote quality while using a positive & creative dialogue we reenforce the fabric of our platform. Our social fabric allows for the long sustainability of our growth. Thank you for your excellent post.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you for understanding it! :)

In society, we don't punish someone that is earning too much money for their work. To downvote a "overrewarded" post is purely motivated by monetary understanding. My understanding for the downvote was to kind of inform the community of content that is not only harmful to others, but harmful to the platform and prevent it from being in plain view on frontend UI's like

We need to care about the quality and not the quantity. The content and the content creators are in essence, "independent representatives" for the Steem blockhain. We have to care about the community that makes up the Steem blockchain and support content that will bring value not just today, but 10, 20, 100 years later where people will access content for information and knowledge. Having the corporate responsibility and understanding that corporate actions, decisions, behaviors, and impacts, are affected when those that are high up in the company lack the responsibility to even care about the content and the entire community and we see this.

Zing! Nice job!

Thanks. Before it was steemsports, now it seems it's about the people that are always on the top trending. Not your fault the system has flaws. You're not even running bot's or in a guild so I don't see how you are "overrewarded." If you are not even trying to game the system...

Business has ONE purpose. That is to make money for the investors.
That's it,nothing more.

A business usually has a mission statement. That can be as broad or narrow focused as those who start the business desire. It is likely they NEED money to keep the business going, but depending upon the mission statement whether the goal is to make money for investors or not can vary a great deal.

Now over time human corruption and the tendency for those who want power to rise to the top simply because they volunteer when others would rather not, can tend to invade any business. Yet that initial generation, that initial mission statement period, at that time they can have any number of things other than making money that they were formed for.

Making money is the most common.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong. I see nothing wrong with making money. Yet, one need not eschew morality to do that.

Nothing wrong with making money, but there are real issues with money. "More money, more problems." There are also issues with social media as well. We combined to 2 and currently have the combined issues.

LOL I completely disagree with you... the facts and research are laid out on this post. That is why business fail. Focused on ONE purpose.

Sounds good.
You invest your money in the business of your choice.
I'll invest mine in businesses that make a profit.
We'll see how that works out.

Business that focus on more than ONE purpose can also make profit...
So I'm not sure what you're trying to say...

Ok... still not much of a valid point but thanks.

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