Underfunded Citizens Rescuing Children In Cambodia - All SBD From This Post Given Directly To This Project!

in #rescue7 years ago (edited)

Many want to help the plight of abused children in the poorest countries but few have the money, time or guts to do so!

This posts is not an admonition of our communities, rather a celebration of the inspiration that others can create within us.

We have a lot to give as a Steemit community - I know We want to support this!


Steemit Community Outreach - We Can Do ANYTHING We Want!

The group I wish to introduce to you now is engaged in some of the most significant yet distressing work any human being can engage in. Through their community outreach programs they deal with people of all ages yet the most distressing cases are the children.

Cambodia's people are incredibly beautiful but through no fault of their own have limited financial resources. Situations like this breed manipulation and abuse. As I have written about before the United Nations is here in a big way. Even the UN themselves admit that where they spend money corruption and pedophiles follow.

As the Steemit community we can engage in direct giving to projects such as this with only a click! Show Your support by saying "Yes!" in the comments!


Jockey Bows In Gratitude To Those Who Will Fight For Those Without Representation!

The work these people do is extremely difficult. Direct outreach means working with the poorest. There you see the worst of what people can do when we forget we are all the same family.

Although I know that this organization must have rescued children from appalling situations I think they are wise to engage in outreach with the entire community.

I want to say here and now that the reason I have not used the name of this group is that I am unsure that I have all the facts correct and dealing with this type of work I do not wish to get anyone into trouble. Even the title of my post could be considered incendiary. Yet I would not be writing this if my heat did not tell me it was true.


A Brief Background

Through writing a post about why I vote for @teamsteem as a witness I was able to gift $400 directly to an organisation doing sterling work with school children here in Cambodia. Here is my post about that direct giving.

During the process of trying to find an appropriate organisation to gift this money to I was introduced to the group I am introducing tonight. When I met them I was instantly impressed. They appear to be mostly self funded. The gentleman you see in the photos is ex military and apprantly useses his pension to undertake this work.

His work takes him to those who have nobody else. Sometimes he can save them, sometimes not. Directly giving tents, water and medical assistance to the poorest of Cambodian society says so much about this gentleman and has inspired me!


How Can Steemit Help?

In my discussions with this group I asked what Steemit could do to assist. Their answer was simple and eloquent. They told me that they can rescue children but without somewhere safe to house them the kids will return to the street and the cycle of poverty and abuse begins again. Totally correct!

My next question was what would a safe house for the children cost. The answer was USD $500 per month which was very reasonable. I also asked who would secure the building and who would be looking after the children. These are not easy answers to provide on the spot but I was very happy with what I heard.

I believe with the honest work these people are doing they should be able to earn at least the USD $500 they need each month for a safe house here on Steemit! What do you think?


My Hopes & Commitments!

I hope that the response from this post will inspire this group of amazing humans to see Steemit as a way to fund their outreach programs and expose the plight of some of the most abused people in Cambodia. I hope that this will inspire others across Asia to start using Steemit as a platform for truth and direct giving.

I make a commitment here on the blockchain that if they wish to move forward to use Steemit as a platform for direct fundraising and information dissemination I will help them to the best of my abilities. I also commit to the Steemit family that all SBD raised from this post will be delivered directly to this group of amazing people with no transaction fees. Should the community continue to sponsor this work I will be happy to facilitate in whatever way I can in Cambodia.

This group are engaging with community funded outreach that seeks to alleviate suffering amongst some of the poorest communities on our planet. Anyone whose eyes are open knows all to well that the most vulnerable members of our communities are our children who are innocent of all sin.

We need more of this proactive community outreach and I feel privileged to raise awareness and cash (through direct giving) for this project here within our Steemit community!


All photos provided from this group of concerned and active citizens.

Jockey loves you All, Plants as Medicine & Liberty Through Decentralisation! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @timcliff, @drakos.




As I ride around SE Asia, I’m constantly overwhelmed by the number of Invisible Groups, silent heroes who get on with helping those who need help the most, and in return, seek neither rewards nor glory for themselves.

At the same time, I’m constantly underwhelmed by the visible and ostentatious giving of gifts to Limelight Groups. Groups that whilst perhaps providing certain nonspecific benefits to their community, can certainly promise much public attention, gratitude and publicity for their generous donors.

While Limelight Groups are purchasing their air conditioned office buildings and Toyota Land Curisers, the Invisible Groups are out there in the field, operating on the crumbs of an ex-soldiers pension and doing the essential things that need doing now.

Thanks @Jockey

Great work, please keep going!

Thank you but this is not my work! I am only trying to assist in my small way. Thanks - Followed and UPvoted!

#familyprotection is a reserved tag which is only for posts that fit the requirements of the @familyprotection community account. Whilst your post is valuable and is relate to family support issues, it is not about the child protection services and specific case issues.

Please do not use the #familyprotection tag in future unless it meets the requirements explained in the link below:

more info: -- https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@markwhittam/before-using-the-familyprotection-tag-please-read-this

Thank you very much for the information. I will read the information closely as this is the first time I have used the tag and was worried I may have miss used it. I am removing it now! Followed and UPvoted! 😉

Wow, a very noble job


Anything is possible!!! ;)

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @family protection

Inspiring post! No middle-men. Highly respect what you are asking. As long as this group you talk about are legit then I would be willing but this post also makes me consider a double edge to my next holiday. I am a big fan of DIY and in this case it would reassure Pedophiles aren't infiltrating the organisation. Would love more details about the group you refer to.

Thank u for your service

This is a great and responsible work, that deserves respect and support!

nice humanitarian work

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