Living Off The Land - More Free Recent Curb Recycling Inventory SOLD For $845 - My Mission To Help The Environment Continues

in #resale6 years ago (edited)

I fully support myself in an expensive city by selling valuable items I find in clear view on the curbs, and by thrifting

I live off of the fat of the land, so to speak, but in an urban way. It's always been my dream since reading Of Mice And Men in high school.

For my recycling efforts, I only cover an area of roughly 11 blocks north/south a 6 avenues east/west. The potential income from this exercise across more of my lavish/wasteful city is enormous, but I'm still a one man show near my apartment until I find the right business partners.

I'm working on ways I can scale up, i.e., encouraging others to do this and text me photos of the their items to buy instantly for a fixed % that I'll resell for the delta. More inventory at 70% is better than less at 100% when it comes to getting to the next level.

When it comes to thrifting, I cover a lot of territory in my city since there are about 15 stores I can hit in a day with public transportation and my two feet.

Both of these sources allow me to be completely independent, never borrow a dime, feel good about helping the environment, and live my life as I choose. It's been 3.5 years since quitting a solid job at a bank, and I haven't regretted it once.

Here are more examples of photogenic/interesting sales from the last couple of days. I can't spill all my secrets just yet, but it's enough to get the drift. Figures are in revenue before fees/shipment.

Free Inventory Sold: ($105 average revenue per item)

First edition classic rock 4-Track found on Monday, listed on Wed, and sold for $200.

Book found at 4:00 AM TODAY sold for $205 by 7:30 AM TODAY. BOOM!

Vintage film processor sold for parts/repair for $89 to a thrilled customer. Would be $200 if I knew how to test it.

...Above are today's sales so far with 4+ hours left... $494 revenue for nothing but the satisfaction of helping the environment, saving items from being destroyed, and supporting myself on my terms.

Some Others:

Yes, a portable breast milk pump found on Tuesday sold within 24 hours for $45.

Collectible JPM credit card welcome kit sold for $83. (Had his CC # and personal info inside, but I shredded it).

Printer printhead sold for parts/repair to ultimately go to Belize for $63.

Vacuum cord winder sold for $60.

Vacuum motor sold to the Virgin Islands for for $60.

Brand new metal baseball cleats sold to Puerto Rico for $40. As a ball player, proud of this one.

Powerful song and video for the post:

Tiny bonus sale for $12 since I felt bad letting him die...

These are examples to get your mind working to see where you may have value in your household, at the thrift stores/yard sales you may visit, or sitting on the curb recycling piles.

I've found a TON of good things lately I'll be listing, so keep an eye our for more soon. I usually find about $250-$400 per night on the curbs, and I'm just scratching the surface. There are bad nights from time to time, but it all averages out to plenty. Things take time to sell, but the stockpile grows. Thrifting is ironically more hit or miss, plus it costs me money. Recycling at night is therapeutic and I can practice my singing without anyone around.

After finding $300+ of stuff in the first 10 minutes tonight, I had to drop off my finds and charge my phone (while posting this), before going back out to mop up some more.

Off I go...

Feel free to ask any questions.

As always, reject waste!

Thanks for your interest and support,



Shit man, I'd LOVE to hit the streets with ya :D

Wow! You never fail to impress me massively with your hauls...

We got a handheld vacuum off Freecycle yesterday, but that was our best for the week.

Thanks as always. I'll be firing another one up today for your viewing pleasure. Every little bit you can save helps!

Fantastic finds brother. One night I’ll come up with ya and keep you company on your quest. Would be fun.

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