Steemit Reputation Explained with Naruto | Reputation Challenge by @modernpastor

in #reputationchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Reputation Challenge.jpg

This is my contribution to the Reputation Challenge by @modernpastor

This is the way I would explain a hardcore Naruto Fan what's all about the Reputation System of Steemit.

The reputation score of this system is the number next to your name. It represents the value you have brought to the platform Steemit. We all start with the reputation score of 25 and can work our way up by being active and valueable for the community.


Now lets see how Naruto does it…

Rep 25-29 Academy Student

Naruto is convinced of his abilities (content) from the very early beginning and wants to show everyone that he is the best ($$$$). Like everyone else, Naruto starts as a student (Reputation Score 25) at the Ninja Academy (Steemit. com) and wants to be Kage (Reputation Score 90-99), the highest ninja rank, as fast as possible. He has no idea of anything, but is convinced that he will be a Kage very soon.

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Rep 30-39

In this early phase, he has successfully completed a few missions (content) here and there, but still didn't really understand what it's all about (Steem? Steempower? Steem Dollar?). He compares his missions (content) with the results of the other Ninjas (Stemians) and still feels superior. This is what motivates him to go on.


Rep 40-49 - Genin (the lowest ninja rank)

The first setbacks must be plugged in. It's not as easy as he thought it would be. Praise (votes) and rewards ($$$$) are pending. Some of the academy student don't pass the Genin test, stop doing more missions (content) and give up.
But Naruto doesn't realize in this phase that he needs others to suceed. He learns from other students (Steemians), is inspired by them and achieves his first successes ($$$). Now and than he experienced recognition (Votes) by older students (Whales).


Rep 50-59 - Chunin

Naruto notices at this stage that he is unable to progress on his own. He spends a lot of time talking to others (commentaries & steemchat), makes new acquaintances, builds up friendships and uses the power of teamwork. He is realizing the first time how long this path is going to be to get to the top. But he is convinced more than ever that the highest ninja rank (Reputation Score 90-99) is feasible for him.


Rep 60-69 - Jounin

He is now one of the ninjas' elite. A masterly fighter and only a few can make it to this level. He realizes that his skills and abilities (content) are now really worth something ($$$). He has built up enough strength (voting power) and gets respect and attention from the other ninjas (steemians) for every Ninja mission or action (vote & comment) he does. Naruto uses his power (voting power) not only to enrich himself, but also to actively help others. This is also the phase he slowly assuming responsibility for the community.

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Rep 70-79

Naruto is taking responsibility at this stage. He lends his power to others (Steem Power Delegation). For example newcomers, who are already helping the community (Steemit. com) by doing their early missions (posts) or those who (bots) are already helping the young students.
He becomes one of the ones who leads the platform.


Rep 80-89

Naruto manages to control his Kyuubi. He is a role model for many others who are looking up to him (Steemit Account) and envy him.


Rep 90-99 Cage

Naruto reaches the highest rank that can be reached in the Ninja world and represents his village (Steemit).


Rep 100 Bijuu Moodo

Naruto has the power to make Kyuubi appear complete. At least it's a story that one tells new ninja students and is carried on from generation to generation.

This Post is my entry for the reputation challenge hosted by @modernpastor

If you like this post, dont forget to upvote!
😊 Danke 😊

Picture source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Heeeey really coool! I like it hahaha you know so much about naruto!! Good luck in the contest

Yes, this anime kinda shapes me and my attitude to a lot of things and I just wanted to share it with you guys. Do you like Naruto? :)

I can sense it but I prefer Bleach haha
PD: The new episodes of Naruto are so crazy I like that ones !!

Oh yeah! I love Ichigo, too. Enjoyed every amazing fight. What's your favorite character?

I Cried for grimmjow, and couldn't believe that Aizen was that way!! I love Toushiro, but i'm too cliché if I said Ichigo is my fav? hahaha I love so many characters .

Yes, Aizens way was a hard punch! Yh, there a way too many cool characters but my all time fav is Gin :D

For real?? Gin is SO EVIL he is the perfect villain really hahaha

Noooo, he isnt :D I did fall in love with him the moment he drop the mask. Do not miss this episode!


xD xD xD Well said... another great anime :D

i love this show ! - ive watched most of it, but i need to catch up for sure - i hear hes now got a child and its an entirely new show .
great stuff . keep up the good work !

Yes, he got a son. But I didnt start to watch the new show yet. Just heard that it is pretty good. Cant wait :D You need to catch up :D

Also das du dich mit Naruto auskennst hätte ich im Leben nicht gedacht.
Finde das ist dir wirklich toll gelungen.

Danke das du mit machst.

richtig cooler Beitrag :)

Ja, einer meiner Lieblingsanime :D
Danke für die Idee. Hat wirklich Spaß gemacht.
Wünsche dir noch viel Erfolg mit deinem Gewinnspiel!

This is by far the best reputation score explanation I've seen on Steemit! 😊 Awesome. I did not even know there was anything past 75. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾

We are going to prove it. Let's get there as fast as possible :D

Yes, indeed!! 👏🏾👏🏾😊

Ein sehr cooler und einfallsreicher Vergleich, gefällt mir gut, die Brücke die du da schlägst.

Ja, ich wollte heute mal kreativ sein :D Und es hat irgendwie Spaß gemacht. Nicht für jeden ^^

OMG I loveee Naruto! haha I would've never thought about explaining the reputation system using Naruto though, that was very creative XD I really enjoyed reading this because you explained it very well using one of my favorite animes. Great job!

Hehe me2. It is such a great anime. Glad you enjoyed reading it. It was fun writing it, too :D

Nice and cool! Good luck for the contest!

This is awesome! xD
Believe it!

Thank you xD We all do ;)

Somehow I lost my comment

Great work. Nice how you explained the reputation system. I entered the Genin stage pretty easily, but there is where I am now.
Was just wishing for some more recognition

Again.. Nice job!!

I feel you my friend. Just keep hustling... so do I :D

It's just sometimes pretty annoying with all this technical problems these days.
Then I'm feeling like Kermit! Haha... Time to sleep here...


Yes.. so true.. kinda annoying..

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