Reparations: War Crimes. My Response To Your Response To SCOTT ADAMS

in #reparations8 years ago (edited)

Why should Trump need to defend himself against defamation
by people who have demonstrated no proof that he is racist?
Last time I checked defamation is illegal,
and extortion through defamation is illegal.

Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, collective punishments are a war crime.
Forcing people who are alive now to pay for what a dead person did
is collective punishment and is a war crime, pure and simple.

The guilty people are dead.
The former slaves are dead.
Who owes what to whom?
Go talk to Thomas Sowell about disenfranchisement.

My ancestors never owned slaves.
Some of them were slaves.
I do not think that any living person owes me for something a dead person did.
If I am forced to pay 1 cent to anyone for reparations I do not owe,
I will be the first to file charges of war crimes against me.
Demanding reparations from the living for the actions of the dead
is naked, blatant aggression.

This reparations crap is more individual leftist lies,
designed to support their lies that systemic, institutional bigotry exists,
and certain groups can be held accountable.
Individuals exist, groups do not, not in reality, not in law.
If someone wants reparations,
they should go dig up a guilty dead person and shake them to see what falls out.
Collective punishment




Collectivism perpetuates division.

Individual rights liberate us.

However, justice and public opinion rarely coincide. Trump got to where he is today using persuasion, influence, and hypnosis; now that he has no single opposing figure challenging him directly (rather, organizations), he must persuade the other half of voters that believes he is racist otherwise.

That is the angle I was going for in my video.

do you think he has a chance to do that? there is some odd stuff going on. the cracks are becoming visible.
thank you for addressing this issue, and bringing it to greater attention.

I'm mixed blood, native and Celtic, both my lineages have been slaves and slave's complicated to figure out who owes who....why not build a free society where everyone has equal ground to do as they wish when it comes to leading a successful life? A free society that does not profit from suffering, let's make that our goal! I am a white skin person and will not listen to anyone who tries to guilt me into an agenda that I do not agree with.

Those with a victim mentality don't care about truth. They just care about sympathy and being tossed a few crumbs. Naive little children need need to toughen up, seriously...

do you think though, that it is a natural desire for the ease of dependence, or is it engendered by the indoctrination we receive from an early age, or probably a combination, or something else entirely, that i've missed?

Personally I think a possibility of both. More so societal norms/indoctrination.
It really all comes down or immaturity and people not wanting independence. This mindset only 2 generations ago was far less prevalent than today.

People are all too eager to take handouts and the state is all too happy to produce a new dependant lapdog .

Some of the most disfunctional people I've encountered in life were those with every opportunity to prosper, but were never encouraged to toughen up or think and act independently.

I am a white anglo saxon/cherokeee indian. Blacks or any other ethnic group is not disenfranchised in the U. S. unleas they so choose to be. The past is the past. No one owes anyone anything except what they labor for or contract for anything else a person receives is a blesssing on top of the blessing you have already received by being born in the United States of America. I have served this nation miltarily and visited countless nations between N. AMERICA and Asia, going east, including the African continent and if any one person believes this great nation of Ours has disenfranchised you then float or fly to any other nation and then tell me how you think you have been so mistreated.

i strongly agree.

Where are my peoples reparations???? The US government still owes African American slave ancestors. But Obama gave reparations to the Jews on behave of the US for the holocaust, what a joke.

go sue some dead people. i didn't do it.

so why is your country paying the jews in the 21 century? did u do that?

if i have no say and no choice in what others do, then i bear no responsibility. laying blame at my door, does not make me guilty. if i were guilty of the sins of all my fathers, i would have to tear myself apart, to avenge myself for what i have done, to myself, down through my lineage, down through the ages. do you think the wheels of the machine are going to stop or even slacken because i find their motion distasteful? what are you doing to change the state of affairs except accuse people you've never met, of something you have no way of knowing is something of which they're guilty?

BTW the disenfranchisement continues today. Was this written from a place of guilt?

the whole point is, i am not guilty of any of it. collective punishment is a crime. i've seen these arguments before many times. it's sad, really, when someone has no argument, so they immediately accuse the other of feeling guilty. that will not work here. i don't owe you, or anyone else, anything.

i think you hit it on the nose. the victim is strong with this one.

white people are thieves of all cultures but that's just history talking. White culture has taken advantage of everyone and white culture has made many enemies on the way to conquest, now your generation wants to act like sins of the father don't fall on the son, yeah ok whatever makes you sleep good at night.

you have no idea of the chaos from which i descend.

judge yourself.

I judge myself all the time it keeps me honest..

the problem comes when one judges others by private standards.

Trump is a vile, bigoted carnival barker. He's currently filling his cabinet with bigots of various stripes. You have to be in denial to not see it.

i can't say, that has ever not been the case, anywhere, at any time that i've lived.

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