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RE: Jesus Christ Never Claimed That He Is God, Instead It Is Mentioned In Several Places Of Bible To Worship Only ONE God! And Why Muslims Are TRUE CHRISTIANS?

in #religion8 years ago

Just as there is disagreement among Muslims there is disagreement among Christians and there has been from the beginning. The prevailing wisdom is that Jesus and God are one in the same, God made flesh. This is just a matter of faith so either you believe it or not. I can easily see many sides to an argument, but matters of faith are not really meant to be debated because there is no "right" answer . This mindset is the source of strife among people. The belief that all people must agree is impossible it can never happen.


Muslim don't debate about is Allah God or not they all believen Allah is the Creator and Mohammed (P.b.u.h)s the messenger of God.
Muslim debate, regarding the sunnah, e.g the ways The Prophet. (P.b.u.h) lived his life what he teaches and how to follow his ways. Hope u understand.and we love Jesus (P.b.u.h)

Exactly. wE love Jesus PBUH and follow the most what he preached and taught to Christians in Bible.

If the definition of Christianity is following what Jesus preached, then I am a True Christian.

Actually, Christians cannot accept that. There is a right answer. God's answer.
Jesus said, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me."
So you can reject Jesus and go off after someone else's answer but you can't say Jesus would agree that there is no "right" answer or that all answers are equally valid.

Hi @william-noe

Thanks for participating in this topic. Actually, I agree with what @cryptosteem said and I partly agree with what you said too. As for disagreements among Christianity, it is such dangerous which take majority out of the fold of Christianity whereas for Muslims, we have disagreements too and disagreements produce tastes, as long as disagreements are good, we are good but when they attack the divinity of God, it destroys everything. As long as disagreements are on minor things, we are good.

The Essence of Christianity is that God himself bore our sins on the cross and that the only way to heaven is to believe and accept that fact.

So there is simply no way to compromise on this point or shuffle it under the rug as a "minor thing".

It is the Only Thing.

Ok, what I am talking about is conflicting world views. Islam has a first hand account of the teachings of Muhammad Christianity has no such first hand account on the teachings of Jesus. Also Jesus lived 600 years before Muhammad so had nothing to say about Islam. Reconciling 2000 year old and 1400 year old beliefs in the modern world requires more than narrow dogmatism.


We were discussing about trinity to prove that there is only One God.

Actually jusus said ask ur own priest who try to hide this, I can't remember, the exact words used, and as Muslims we are stop't saying things that are inaccurate regarding God or his messengers, so I won't try and say this is how he said it, but he told his followers, to follow prophet Mohammed. (P.b.u.h), and said he shall speak of me, what ever he speak shall not be from his own mouth but from God, he was telling all his followers if he doesn't go the chosen one shall not come.
And lastly as muslims we belive he was never killed, God tuck his body alive to heaven, and he will come back again to set the table straight, and also to kill the antichrist.

Jesus never mentioned Mohammed or that any more prophets were coming. He did say that he would send his Holy Spirit to them after he left. This happened 50 days later at Pentecost as described in Acts 2.
As I showed elsewhere in this thread - read what Jesus said to Nicodemus in John 3:16-18. There are twelve places where Jesus predicted his suffering, death, and resurrection and he showed Thomas his wounds after he was resurrected.

Actually, this is false. Muhammad's teaching were collected and put to writing by his followers in the years after his death just like the apostles of Jesus. Muhammad was himself illiterate and wrote down nothing.

VERY SHORTLY AFTER HIS DEATHS PROBLY NOT EVEN A YEAR AFTER HIS DEATH, During his time he spend most of his time making sure the Quran was memorized This is because this was recited jurying the time he was alive and after he passed away, They memorised the Quran, until now many Muslims from young to old still memories the Quran by heart. The reason behind this is God as taken it upon him self. To make sure his last holy book will not be corrupted like the previous one's, it is recited 5 times a day by many Muslim and many still memories by heart, unlike the Christian even today when the priest and the preachers preach, they use the bible and don't memories hardly a full page let alone a full book.

I salute and respect Muslims for their devotion to their faith and their efforts to memorize its Scriptures. Incredibly impressive!

However, since those Scriptures contradict the Bible like a mirror image, and since the Bible's Old Testament is proven not to have been corrupted by the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls which prove no significant changes since the time of Jesus (when he personally attested to their infallibility), I tend to focus on content. Devotion only helps when what you are devoted to is correct.

My friend Islam is the only religion accepted by God from the beginning of time since Adam, and that as never changed and will never change, the only thing that changed is the messenger and Mohammed. (P.b.u.h) only came with the same message. The original message before it was changed. e.g the message of all the Prophets, of God, We as Muslim beliven the original Bible and the original Torah. And less not forget Jesus did not come with new religion he came only to affirm the Torah, because it was changed, this is what he said, I was send only to my people, who were his peole, the jewish, were his peole, so where did Christianity came from, he was only send to his people who changed the Torah, and by the way this rule's him out of being the creater, since he was send by the creator.

Then you should read the Dead Sea Scrolls. They date to 900 years before Muhammad and do not differ from the Bible Jews and Christians use today. Jesus stated clearly that the copy of the Scriptures the Jews were using in His day were authoritative and "cannot be broken". He said to the Jews, "If you believe Moses you would believe me, for he wrote about Me. If you don't believe what he wrote, how can you believe what I say." Jesus spent much of his time quoting those Scriptures - down to relying on the actual tense of a verb.

I understand that Muhammad claimed that the scriptures were wrong and then changed them to make his audience (the descendants of Ishmael and Esau) the heroes instead of Isaac and Jacob. But you must admit, it was Muhammad who did the changing. He got away with it until the Dead Sea Scrolls showed nothing had been corrupted at all since Jesus confirmed that the Scriptures could not be broken and should be believed.

Answer those simple questions, or go read ur bible to see the contradiction, of what ur saying, or the bible, is teaching, how can the Christians claim Jesus died, for the sins of the hole world and he is the savior of the whole world, if he was only send to his nation the children of Isreal, just like most of the prophet's before him, e.g Moses, David, Ibrahim.

Jesus was sent to the Jews in keeping of God's promise to Abraham.
After the Jews rejected Him, he instructed His disciples to "Go and make disciples of ALL nations."
Jesus own words to Nicodemus are conclusive:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

I really find this debate unproductive at best. I hope we all can agree that more things unite us as human beings than divide us in our beliefs.

Both sides of this debate care deeply about finding the truth.
The first step is recognizing that we both can't be right.
Then we can both start digging to get at the actual truth.

Hi @william-noe and @stan and all people!

I didn't really wanted to debate my friends. I just wanted to discuss in soft manners but things are bit changed here, and looks like it is not my fault. I was very calm in my replies and posts, and agreed with what you guys said although partly and I agreed to disagree with a lot of things you guys said.

Apologies if you think this is not soft. No anger here.

However, truth matters. We might compromise on what we are having for dinner but when one teaches that salvation is believing God died on the cross for our sins and another teaches he was not God and did not die, then there is no place to compromise on that. So we can still be polite and calm. Firmness of conviction is not bad manners. :o)


No bro, I didn't meant that. I just noticed number of votes + number of replies. I was talking about that change. No problem with discussion with you guys.

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