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RE: Jesus Christ Never Claimed That He Is God, Instead It Is Mentioned In Several Places Of Bible To Worship Only ONE God! And Why Muslims Are TRUE CHRISTIANS?

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Your article has some fine reasoning. Let me say first I am a Christian, and I never have believed the trinity. And the religious organization I am affiliated with doesn't teach it.
Some things to add are the title Jesus took upon himself. If you wanted to tell someone that 2 people are equal or are the same what would you call them? Twins? Brothers at least? But Jesus chose to be called "the son of God" and God being called the "Father" this shows that God is older, wiser, and has authority over Jesus the son. Jesus said at John 14:28 "the father is greater than I am" and he said at John 8:28 that he only does what the father taught him, again older, wiser, authority. I agree with some of what you said in this article so very nice.


Thank you for the compliment, and yeah, I know that there are many Christians who do not affirm Jesus divinity and I congratulate you for that.

However, what you are quoting from bible is whole different story. If you are saying that Jesus liked to be called himself the son of God then we must find out the reason why! We can discuss it if you like in peaceful manner just like this.

He was called the son of God because as Paul put it, he was the "firstborn of all creation". He was the first creation and all things were created through him and for him. Thus he was the first born son.
Just as a side note I've been planning on writing an article about how the trinity doctrine got into false Christian churches. I'll let you know when it's out.

My friend the problem with Christianity is 95%, is based on 3rd party, e.g. What Paul, Mathew, john and all other disciples. Said and only 1% what Jesus said. That for me is anreliable.

Along with that, Jesus never wrote any books. Matthew, mark, luke, and John were all written by the men it is named after. If you can't trust his followers then you can trust him because all writings are from other men. Either you accept all scripture or none

Was in not Jesus who said he would give the keys to the kingdom to Peter? That's who I quoted the very man Jesus said that to.
Along with that Jesus said Matt 28:20 "I will be with you..." So the men who followed him were being directed by him in the end. 2 Tim 3:16 says "All scripture is inspired of God" Jesus told his desciples he would send a helper (holy spirit) to show them what they should say. This is why we can trust the writings of the first century Christians.

Hi thehackerjourney!

I am excited to read about your trinity doctrine.

I was talking about biblical proofs about why jesus was called the son of God though.

I'll tell you what give me your email and l send something later I'm getting off for the day in just a bit I'll send all I have on it.

And in addition, I'd say, let the things you disagree coming here so we could discuss further. No worries, we are matured enough and know that discussion in peaceful manners is good no matter what the topic is.

I prefer not to argue, but I'll just throw out there that we are no longer under the mosaic law so there isn't any need to avoid pork. Jesus said its the things that come out of a man that defiles him. Also Peter saw disgusting things coming out of heaven and God said quit calling unclean the things i have called clean. Symbolically pointing to Samaritans and Gentiles, it still shows a change in doctrine. Prior to the mosaic law God's servants Abraham, Jacob, Lot, Noah and so on we're not told to avoid pork, that command didn't come until the mosaic law. When Jesus died he fulfilled the law and now we are no longer under it.

The person who wrote the bible was a Roman, the same people who u claim crucified him, but let's not go, the bible was written long after, paul, or john, and they contain many erro, it's contaminated, u said it yourself I got a problem with the trinity even though it's in the bible, wake up and smell the coffe, if the bible is the word of God it would not have errors and lies on top of lies, look at the priest the biggest peterfiles there is and they ment to be repersenting god, since when did God say don't marry. It's a lie just like 95% of the bible .

@cryptosteem. Wow. I have never see so many false statements packed into a single paragraph.

Of course, you are correct that the Roman church corrupted their teachings away from what the Bible says unbelievably. It was Pope Gregory the Great in 600 AD who prohibited priests to marry even though the Bible documents that Peter himself was married.

You need to be careful to distinguish the inventions of the popes from the truth of the Bible in the original Greek manuscripts.

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