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RE: In God We Trust

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

The other day I read this Why Tony Robbins Changed My Mind On Charity by @thefinanceguy that had an interesting note:

"Basically he said that you shouldn't be waiting until you are rich to give charitably, because if you won't give ten cents when you are broke, you won't end up giving tens of thousands after years of building wealth. You can certainly build wealth and give at the same time. Even 1% of your income could go to charity. and you likely wouldn't notice the difference. You have to make it a habit."

As for my views on winning money, I wrote this article about Daily Fantasy Sports betting that you may find interesting.

As for earning and investing, there are tons of lessons on money in the Bible. Most notably, what comes to mind is The Parable of the Talents found in Matthew 25:14-30. As for lending, the The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35.

And here is a great sermon series on giving.


Agreed. Those parables show that God expects us to be good steward's of what He has given us. That can mean working to grow the value of those resources - as long as we remember they are His resources and are ready to expend them faithfully in His service.

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