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RE: Failure Of The Evolution Theory

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Good point. The least likely to be true is Theistic Evolution because both Science and Bible believers reject it.

We all know what the Scientists think happened. All evidence points to a big bang 13.8 billion years ago.

Here's what the Bible says happened.

  • Jesus plainly said we should believe what Moses wrote (John 5).
  • Moses wrote that the ten commandments were carved in stone by "the finger of God"
  • The fourth commandment confirms (in stone) that God created the universe in six days.
  • The Genesis account of creation written by Moses says they were literal day-night cycles. ("It was evening and it was morning, the second day.")

So, nowhere does the Bible allow for Theistic Evolution. You either believe that God has the power to do things the way He says He did. Or you don't.

God says He created a 13.8 billion year old universe in the time it takes for the earth to spin six rotations. Scientists look at it and confirm, "Yep, its 13.8 billion years old all right." So Science and the Bible agree.

If as a Christian you don't believe the account that Jesus explicitly endorsed, what exactly can you believe?

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