Type 'Yes' if Your Brain Gotten Switched Off

in #religion3 years ago (edited)


Came across a meme being spread by a zombie on Facebook. It depicts a convicted Jewish criminal called Jesus, that defrauded many a gullible illiterate goat lover by dishing up unproven, far-fetched folklore as real, in exchange for blackmail money.

Really easy money, this religion scam, when one thinks about it. "It's a nice soul you've got there. Will be a pity if something should happen to it. I'm Pastor Mafia from Sicily, and I'll protect you for a small weekly payment."


The Roman justice system was so advanced at the time Jesus allegedly lived, that much of it is incorporated in modern justice systems today. That same legal system gave the suspect a fair chance to prove his claims, which the con artist could not do. And so he was sentenced to receive the punishment of the time.

If we leave out for a minute the fact that historians today doubt that the man even existed, he did commit crimes by inciting the general populace to resist the Roman authorities, and by extorting money, and he caused civil unrest with his claims that his daddy - which is also himself, pure schizophrenic- is the real ruler, and not the Roman kaiser or whatever title the big chief in Rome had at the time.

We know that religion causes brain damage, physical too, as a 2011 study by the University of Duke proved. We also know that religiots are an emotional bunch, they'll drink poison and fly themselves into buildings to prove their love for shit they can't prove to be real. All that is really real, is that they suffer from a severe mental illness.

When such mental patients in the wild experience a mental episode they'll do whatever they were indoctrinated with over years, blindly. Indoctrination is a powerful weapon, as Nazism, Communism, and Apartheid proved. You can make people believe and defend anything, just repeat it enough for long enough, with some skewed facts and fiction and fear all mixed together, using the carrot and stick method.


I took 40 screenshots of the comments section below the meme I found on Facebook, and here it is, half of it on a collage. Literally 99% are "'Yes'es" only, which made me say 'jissis god' in disbelief at such a vast collection of stupidity. Those are the same people that won't help a homeless man with a place to sleep, the same people that refuse to give away their earthly possessions to follow their hallucinations, agh I mean Jesus, as the Bible orders. But then they want to help a convicted criminal. The same people that shouts blue murder and wants to taste the blood of every criminal today.

With Jesus being Middle Eastern and thus brownish of pelt (like Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, for example), it will be interesting to see how Christians deal with Jesus 2.0 knocking at a border post and asking for help.

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I will be looking at more of your posts.

I wonder whether you have posted anything in #atheism yet.

Hi Alex. Thanks for following me. I'm not sure if I used the #atheism tag as primary one yet, it seems to be a quiet tag that not many people are searching for. And I'm getting the impression many Steemians still think atheism is synonymous with Satanism. 🤣 So I probably should not aim at becoming the most popular blogger on here, I'm quite outspoken.

I'm only back on SteemIt for 3 weeks now, after an absence of nearly 3 years. Planning to put in more effort in blogging on here this time, although I'll be doing Hive via Ecency as well. Looks like SteemIt is losing many users in favor of Hive, after the hostile takeover of the former last year.

I'll keep an eye out for your posts as well, will comment and upvote where I can. Still figuring out all the blockchain stuff anew, after two years of 'rust.' 😁

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