Bible Study: God's Abundance Of Love

in #religion7 years ago

Bible Study: Abundance Of Love

Man had an abundance of spiritual death. It reigned over him. It was his master. All the sins, crimes and wars have grown out of that awful thing called Spiritual Death. It was the very nature of Satan. Romans 5:12-21 is God's commentary on it. It is called a Law of Sin and of Death according to apostle Paul (Romans 8:2, 3). Even the Ten Commandments are called the Law of Sin. This law of sin wrought in the human family.

John 10:10, “I am come that ye might have life and have it abundantly (or have an abundance of it).” Eternal Life is the Nature of God (2 Peter 1:4), and spiritual death is the nature of Satan. There is a combat between Life and death, between God's nature and Satan's nature in man.
Just as spiritual death swallowed the human race, so now God is going to give Eternal Life in such an abundance that it will swallow up death. 2 Corinthians 5:4, “For indeed we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened; not for that we would be unclothed, but that we would be clothed upon, that what is mortal may be swallowed up of life.” This word Life is Zoe. Way translates it, “drowned in a sea of life,” showing the abundance of Life. There is in the world today an abundance of sickness. There is the very fullness of Satan. It is so apparent everywhere. Men are filled with the devil.
A new order is coming, however. Man is filled with God, filled with His Nature, His Life, His Being-to be like Him, swayed by Him, ruled by Him.

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Pastor Lea

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Étude biblique: ABUNDANCE DE L'AMOUR

L'homme avait une abondance de mort spirituelle. Elle régnait sur lui, c'était son maître despotique. Tous les péchés, les crimes et les guerres se sont développés à partir de cette terrible chose appelée Mort. C'était la nature même de Satan. Romains 5: 12-21 est le commentaire de Dieu à ce sujet. C'est une loi du péché et de la mort (Romains 8: 2, 3). Même les Dix Commandements s'appellent la Loi du péché. Cette loi du péché s'est forgé dans la famille humaine.

Jean 10:10: «Je suis venu pour que vous ayez la vie et que vous l'ayez abondamment (ou en abonde abondamment).» La vie éternelle est la nature de Dieu (2 Pierre 1: 4), et la mort spirituelle est la nature de Satan. Il y a un combat entre la vie et la mort, entre la nature de Dieu et la nature de Satan chez l'homme.
Tout comme la mort spirituelle a avalé la race humaine, alors Dieu va donner à la Vie éternelle une telle abondance qu'elle engloutira la mort. 2 Corinthiens 5: 4, "Car nous, qui sommes dans ce tabernacle, gémissons, sont fatigués; Ce n'est pas pour cela que nous serions déshabillés, mais que nous serions habillés, que ce qui est mortel peut être englouti de la vie. "Ce mot Vie est Zoe. Way le traduit, «noyé dans une mer de vie», montrant l'abondance de la vie. Il y a dans le monde aujourd'hui une abondance de maladie. Il y a la plénitude même de Satan. C'est tellement évident partout. Les hommes sont remplis du diable.
Une nouvelle commande arrive cependant. L'homme est rempli de Dieu, rempli de sa nature, de sa vie, de son être, d'être comme lui, influencé par lui, gouverné par lui.


Interesting article. I definitely agree with you that this world is full of sin. In fact so much so, that Satan is the (little g) god of this world. What I don't agree with, though, is calling the Law (the Torah) the Law of Sin and Death. You see, Jesus came to fulfill the Torah, not only did he come to fulfill it but he raised the bar. He said the Torah says do not murder, but I say anyone who is angry with another person, has committed murder in their heart.

You see Jesus is raising the bar and the standard.

Jesus did it all, the teaching is to explain simply for those who doesn't know and understand to come to an understanding of this simple truth. It's always good to bring people from a simple ground to a higher. I am for helping everyone to understand A, B, C and then Z later. Thank you and Yes again Jesus fullfilled the Law and introduced us into His grace and love. Thank you so much @

Thank for sharing :D
Nice post

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