If only the World worshipped Dionysus - the God of Wine instead of the God of War.

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

If only we had all decided to worship Dionysus, the God of Wine .... the world would be a much happier place. Why instead did we choose to Worship the God of Thunder, the God of Terror, the God of Fear and Jealously ?

Dionysus, Bacchus or @bromius


Dionysus (/daɪ.əˈnaɪsəs/; Greek: Διόνυσος Dionysos) is the God of the Grape Harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theatre and religious ecstasy in ancient Greek religion and myth.

Wine played an important role in Greek culture, and the cult of Dionysus was the main religious focus for its unrestrained consumption. His worship became firmly established in the seventh century BC. He may have been worshipped as early as c. 1500–1100 BC by Mycenean Greeks; traces of Dionysian-type cult have also been found in ancient Minoan Crete.

His origins are uncertain, and his cults took many forms; some are described by ancient sources as Thracian, others as Greek. In some cults, he arrives from the east, as an Asiatic foreigner; in others, from Ethiopia in the South. He is a god of epiphany, "the god that comes", and his "foreignness" as an arriving outsider-god may be inherent and essential to his cults.

He is a major, popular figure of Greek mythology and religion, becoming increasingly important over time, and included in some lists of the twelve Olympians, as the last of their number, and the only god born from a mortal mother. His festivals were the driving force behind the development of Greek theatre.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysus

Interestingly .... In his Quaestiones Convivales, the Greek writer Plutarch of Chaeronea claimed that Yahweh was equivalent to Dionysus, the ancient Greek god of wine, drunkenness, and ritual madness.

Bromius in ancient Greece was used as an epithet of Dionysus/Bacchus. It signifies "noisy", "roaring", or "boisterous", from βρέμειν, to roar. According to Richard Buxton, Bromius (Bromios) is another name for a fundamental divine figure that precedes Ouranus and Night in Orphic myth. This alternative view to Hesiod was discovered by a fragmentary papyrus discovered in Derveni, Macedonia (Greece) in 1962, which is referred to as the Derveni papyrus. See @Bromius here on Steemit for more ....

Here is the Thyrsus, symbol of Dionysos the wine's God. It is a humble present for this divine post!!

I was wondering if you would show up @bromius

If you invoke my name, I will show up in anytime!! ;)

Soon you will have $1,000,000 Steem Power so I will Invoke your good name on all my posts @bromius

Oh, my dear Friend, you are beloved by the gods!! But that just can be possible in one manner, if good Plutus so decide!! He's mad with me but I don't care cause I don't know why!! XD
But maybe your voice silently slip into his ears and who knows... anything could be... So let's move on and someday we'll see!
Of course my finest Friend, in anycase you will be the first!!!
My salutations for your new day. Have many dances and good wine because you are among the mortals divine!!!

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