
Excellent - it took just seconds to make six year old wine just like it took six days to make a 13.8 billion year old universe. The age of the thing created does not depend on how long it took to create it.

thanks Stan - so true...

While I'm not quite sure what you're contemplating here as a "circular argument," as it is said "fools rush in..." I will take a stab. ;)

We have no direct method of observing history. Literally everything we know about the past is based on extrapolation and logic.

If we take Genesis at face value, Adam was created as an adult. This certainly gave him an "appearance of age."

Was God being deceptive? Not at all.

Your example of the very best wine that Jesus made "on the spot" is a parallel one. Was Jesus being deceptive? Not at all.

It has, however, been a long time - as to how long, well, that's the debate, isn't it? - since the creation of the universe. Being humans made in the image of God, but not quite infinite, we are curious! Wanting to become more like God we desperately want to know these things!

And so, we do our best - observing, theorizing, thinking the hell out of things... Hoping to grow in our knowledge.

Is our reasoning circular? Maybe. Probably. In some cases, certainly. But we can't help ourselves, we must go on reasoning, at least until such a time as we can ask God directly; "Lord, how did you do that?"

I was agreeing with you, creatr, and I agree with your last paragraph too ;)

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