Religion and war

in #religion8 years ago

Religion is marked by heinous crimes

Often many relate religion with war, from the Templars so far today, have fought battles in the name of faith, They have committed the most heinous crimes, from burning at the stake, until beheadings and torture. last of religion is marked by the horror and death.
in the past was engine of the bloody battles and this promotes hatred and rancor stigmatizing those who do not share their beliefs and classifying them in a jerargico status.
also have cheated millions of people and minds, with their lies, stealing money to build their large churches, and sustain the lifestyle of its leaders, paying for travel and buying their cars and houses

We have witnessed the greatest crimes ranging from war to terrorism

¿Have you ever been religion the cause of war?

¿Or it is simply a vehicle (incentive) to encourage the troops, divided societies, creating hatred, and despoil countries ?

In the causes of the war there are many factors at play ranging from political interests to the acquisition of natural resources including also the power, ideology, race, territory and identity

Some believe that religion is not the cause of wars, and they say that the causes of war is the use that is given to religion .
others believe that religion has played a leading role in instigating violence and conflict.

what is your opinion ?

By Jeison


Religion is a touchy subject with a lot of people. It is true that many religions have a quite violent past, and some have a violent present. The difficulty in discussing this is that people identify with their belief system, and take statements like this as an affront to their own person. Catholicism for instance was focused around the barbaric crusades for many many years, however in modern times it preaches peace. Any religion, belief or even idea can have supporters with nefarious desires. I don't blame the belief system, I blame the bad acting people.

Most wars have been caused by people NOT following God's wishes as documented in the Bible. There were a few special cases in the Old Testament, but generally Jesus taught his followers to "turn the other cheek" and "do not resist an evil person."

Nevertheless, he did instruct His disciples to "sell your cloak and buy a sword" for self defense against lethal force.

exactly like Jesus taught us to love one another, and the prophet Isaiah said, "shall beat their swords into plowshares" Jesus with his example also showed, he was the son of God and could have destroyed whom they were to kill but did not

then religion is the cause of wars or other interest there?

Just look at the 20th century: 20 million dead in WWII thanks to some neo-Nordic pagan lunatics in Germany, another 20 million slaughtered by the atheist Stalin, and 50 million+ thanks to the atheist Mao. The numbers killed supposedly by religion are miniscule compared to those killed in the name of anti-religionists.

hitler was supported by the Vatican, stalin asked the blessing of priests, although claiming to be atheists took refuge in religion

oh please... are you actually going to claim Hitler and Stalin were Christian or religious?

They were not Christians, but received the support of religion and most of his troops were religious.

Hitler rounded up Catholics and threw them into concentration camps.

All these years until now were only war and is still war, leave it out of steemit man, at least here to have peace and beautiful things to learn, I'm not saying your post is bad don't judge me, it's my opinion that's all.

I believe in God and love him, but all religions teach lies about God, read and study the Bible and approach God in prayer

and learned what the Bible teaches me that many religions tell lies, they contradict what the Bible says

the Bible itself was responsible for prophesying that these days would be filled with war, Jesus said, "I came not to send peace, but a sword" because I knew that a lot would use his name to cause division.

but the division is caused only in those who are deceived by religions, and do not read the Bible

only share our opinions, I believe in God many do not, I respect their decision, they all have different opinions, but there is only one truth and God.

Then write about how you believe in God, why you write about wars? I know there were too many wars because of religion but has nothing to do with God. No matter what religion you have, you are still a person and you can believe in everything you want.I believe in God too and I'm not going to change that because I choose to believe in God, not because of my religion.

Of course religion was not cause of war nor tool for influence.
Church - was both.

if you teach a religious who take the life of someone from another nation, that is a different belief, that means using religion as an ideological weapon to train troops

An interesting point. Religion is a creation of human beings and is used as a means to control other people. The true source of war is not religion itself (that is a tool used to control people as I said). The true source is human nature which will use any means at it's disposal for destruction in certain circumstances.

Every opinion is respectable, but the reality is contradictory

The dictator trains his troops using religion.
The soldier blindly believe that is true and is dispuestona die.


Human history is marked by heinous crimes.
99.99% of the religions of this world are false - and therefore they follow the pattern of human history.
But don't throw true religion into that same category.
That would be "religionism" - just as bad as racism, sexism, and PittsburghSteelersism.

I upvote U

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