Why does God create or make people to go to hell?

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

I enjoy debates and discussions about religion. I am personally, an outspoken Christian, who believes in God, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I believe that Jesus was on earth to die for our sins in order for us to have the opportunity to go to heaven and live and eternal live next to him.
I also believe that we all have choices to make during our lifetime, which will be judged at the end of this life. We will then either go to heaven, or we will go to hell.

It is my choice to believe this, and each of you reading this post, can make your own decision.
I am not trying to force my religion on you, so please do not try force your religion or believe on me.
It is your right to believe what you want and I also have the right to believe what I want. This article actually has nothing to do with if God exists or not.

To my fellow Christians, please do not judge me because I ask these type questions,
I have a weird mind, and I was born with it :) Not much I can do to not think and ask questions like this. I actually have an answer which worked for me further in the article.

To the Non-Christians, please read further as you might enjoy the maths :)

So back to my question:

Why does God create or make people to go to hell?

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I have been struggling with this specific question for many years, and do not believe that there is a straight forward answer. I also don’t believe that we should judge God as he made us all :)

God will never do that!

The first response I normally receive from the various conversations that I had on the subject, is that people gets upset and respond that God will never make or create people to go to hell...How can you even say or think that? (Can't tell you how many times I had this response :) . We'll that’s an easy one, God is almighty and knows everything. He knows everything in the presence, past and future. How can He not know that the person he is creating is going to hell or heaven at the point of creation?

Free Will

At this point the argument goes into a Free will conversation. We all have the freedom to choose what we want. It is through OUR incorrect choices in life and US doing the wrong things, which will end in us going to hell. He did not make or create us to go to hell. Well ...

My response to this argument is that yes we do have a free will,but God already knows which decisions we will make during our life on earth at the time of your birth.

So yes we all have a freedom to choose whatever we want and we will make the incorrect decisions during our lives, and yes it is our own fault if we make decisions which ends up in us going to hell. My point is, that He still made us even though He knew that were going to hell as he know what decisions we will make and he knows what the outcomes of our decisions will be.

God is almighty and knows everything -The bible .. each and any version tells us this.

The age old question

When a tree fells in a forest and there is no one around, does it make a sound?

For me it is logical that it should, but apparently that is not enough for the mathematicians, who went on to prove an outcome.

This age old philosophical question was further discussed and enhanced when Albert Einstein, asked his fellow physicist a similar question with, "Will the moon still exist when nobody is looking at it?" His fellow physicist replied that it will be impossible to prove or disprove, hence giving this riddle the status of what is called infallible conjecture.

A conjecture in mathematics, is a conclusion or proposition for which no proof has been found.

Schrödinger's cat

An experiment was done by an Austrian physicist, Erwin Schrödinger, where he highlighted a problem with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, applied to everyday objects.

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The experiment as follow:

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor detects radioactivity (i.e., a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously dead and alive. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.
Article Source: Wikipedia

I am not trying to prove or disapprove anything. It is up to each and everybody to make up their own minds, study the subject of quantum mechanics and read about the experiment in more detail. I am a maths dude who enjoys maths as well as religion. My conclusion is that I can certainly believe that a cat and be dead or alive simultaneously. My logic however says, that you will not know which state a cat is in before you open the box. For me this is the answer to the question.

What I am saying is that this is yet another example, where science, and in this case mathematics can assist us, to resolve an argument about a specific subject. I am a very strong believer that there is a place for both science and religion in the world. I know a lot may differ.

But just as everything I write about, it is all my personal opinions, and I am not a specialist in any specific subject. This is just my thoughts.

So why am I telling you this?

What does the Schrödinger's cat have to do with people being born to go to hell.

Although I am not physically going to write down the mathematics for each and every one to understand. I want to refer to the above experiment to prove and make a bold statement:

God can know and not know at the same time.

He knows whether you are going to heaven or hell at the same time of not knowing whether you are going to heaven or hell. We are just not able to comprehend that such a state even exist and we are not able to understand this existence as it is just too complex and we are used to the reality that we live in.

Now the free will conversation can come back into play.
At the end of the day it is your decision whether you will go to heaven or hell. The direction you go, that is heaven or hell, will be based on your free will to make any decision and I hope we all make the correct decision, to end up in heaven.

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Your comments would be appreciated.

Happy Steeming


What about this: If you decide to make a child then, you know that he will go to Hell or to Heaven right? No matter what, you still do it because you believe that you will teach him to take the right decisions for his life. How can you tell what is the right decision? There is no right decision in life because every person thinks different, and if you think you took the right decision, someone else will think otherwise.
The only thing that remains is hope. You hope that you will take the right decisions in your life, you hope to go to Heaven, you hope you don't go to Hell, you hope that your child will do the right thing and he goes to Heaven. Out there are too many factors that can change the course of your life, and you don't know them, only God knows that!
So if you hope to go to Heaven, then you must believe in God. You can't hope to go to Heaven if you don't believe that. So when you choose to hope in something, be aware of believing with all your heart​ into it!
I loved your post.

What about this: If you decide to make a child then, you know that he will go to Hell or to Heaven right? No matter what, you still do it because you believe that you will teach him to take the right decisions for his life.

Great statement. Totally agree.

How can you tell what is the right decision? There is no right decision in life because every person thinks different, and if you think you took the right decision, someone else will think otherwise.

But here's a mistake in my opinion. Right or wrong - who has the right to claim what is right and what is wrong? The answer is obvious - the owner! Owner of some property decides what is allowed and what is forbidden. Isn't it? If you borrow a car from some person he'll tell you what you can and what you cannot do with his car. And that's how you can find the true answer what is right and what is wrong.

So when we consider our deeds towards somebody's property, we can understand what is right and what is wrong if the owner has given the terms of use. Therefore it's natural to put a question: "Who is the ultimate Owner of everything? Does such person exist? Who can say he owns everything?" And if such person exists we must obey his rules. So what is done against his will (rules) must be considered as wrong action. So simple, isn't it?

Thanks a lot. Great comment as well.

Very interesting post. It's a common question that people people ask. Why would God allow _____ to go to hell or why does ______ happen if there is a loving God?

I think of it sometimes the way my parents must view my decisions. My parents can warn me about a party being a bad idea to go to and tell me why, but simply locking me in my room each time a party is coming up is not a good relationship. Yes it may hurt my parents to be going to a party where things happen they do not approve of, but the choice is mine at that point. They are allowing me to choose because they love me, even though they do not love my decision.

God did not create us to be robots, because if he did he could have forced us to love him. The love that he created is a voluntary one. The same way a child can turn their back on a parent, we can do the same with God. There is a reason God has revealed himself to us as a father.

I wish Hell did not exist, but a perfect God cannot be in the presence of sin, and since God is loving, he allows people to sin if they want and choose not to ask for forgiveness from his son.

Another problem my pastor covered today was how once people are forgiven often don't change their lives and use this forgiveness as some sort fire insurance.

That would be akin to me loaning someone $20,000 them not being able to pay it, forgiving that debt, and instead of being greatful, going out to take another $20,000 loan from someone else with no intent to pay it back. It completely misses the point.

While I am not as into math as you are, I did like how you presented this so that everyone could feel free to participate regardless of their personal beliefs. Whether someone is an atheist or christian, there should be a level of respect and ability to discuss freely without belittling the other persons views.

Thank you for you comment and a great view. Chat soon

I will never know what God really wants. We follow his commands, not necessarily his wishes.

And what is the difference between his commands and his wishes? Why does He says not what he wishes?

Because He can lie, for instance. The same way we can lie.

Yeah, He can lie, of course. But why do you think He's lying?

My choice is believe the GOD. And I am agree with your word."I also believe that we all have choices to make during our lifetime, which will be judged at the end of this life. We will then either go to heaven, or we will go to hell."

You are a great writer man. This post is very nicely written. Keep sharing good work @jacor

Well @jacor I was brought up with the same beliefs as you. I also have a strange mind. I also have a lot of unanswered questions in my mind. An interesting question you might want to think about is "Do we really have a free will?"

Free will in the absolute sense of the term, no. But we have some very limited capacity of "choice".


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