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RE: Why does God create or make people to go to hell?

in #religion8 years ago

Very interesting post. It's a common question that people people ask. Why would God allow _____ to go to hell or why does ______ happen if there is a loving God?

I think of it sometimes the way my parents must view my decisions. My parents can warn me about a party being a bad idea to go to and tell me why, but simply locking me in my room each time a party is coming up is not a good relationship. Yes it may hurt my parents to be going to a party where things happen they do not approve of, but the choice is mine at that point. They are allowing me to choose because they love me, even though they do not love my decision.

God did not create us to be robots, because if he did he could have forced us to love him. The love that he created is a voluntary one. The same way a child can turn their back on a parent, we can do the same with God. There is a reason God has revealed himself to us as a father.

I wish Hell did not exist, but a perfect God cannot be in the presence of sin, and since God is loving, he allows people to sin if they want and choose not to ask for forgiveness from his son.

Another problem my pastor covered today was how once people are forgiven often don't change their lives and use this forgiveness as some sort fire insurance.

That would be akin to me loaning someone $20,000 them not being able to pay it, forgiving that debt, and instead of being greatful, going out to take another $20,000 loan from someone else with no intent to pay it back. It completely misses the point.

While I am not as into math as you are, I did like how you presented this so that everyone could feel free to participate regardless of their personal beliefs. Whether someone is an atheist or christian, there should be a level of respect and ability to discuss freely without belittling the other persons views.


Thank you for you comment and a great view. Chat soon

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