Can't We All Just Get Along Already?

in #religion7 years ago


Can't we all just get along!?! Isn't it obvious that none of us really have any idea of what is actually going on? We are all just winging it, trying the best we can to get by in this life passing the same time, drinking the same water, breathing the same air, trying to get to the same place. Meanwhile we're killing eachother in search of eachother. My Gods better, This is my Land! Shut the Fuck up already man! It's been what? 10 millennia and your still harping on that some sorry ass song. Let me love you, let youself love me, shhh shhh... there there, Now go Grow the fuck up! Its Our God & Our Land & He gave it to us so we could share it not bury eachothers lifeless bodies in it. Have we learned nothing yet. Here is a hint, Jesus isn't coming back because he is already here, he is you and I am him. The same goes for all of our divine brothers and Sister's who walked in his steps and those who laid down foot prints in the sand for him to walk in. Like all the 37.2 trillion cells in your body that make up 1 you, you are a cell in a much much larger body. Just because your xonciousness is seperate from your subconsciousness, doesn't mean that they are not one in the same or connected. Obviously something keeps your heart beating and lungs breathing even when you're not thinking. Go ahead and step off of The Stairway To Heaven & on over to the Escalator. Life is a duality, summer, winter, positive, Negative, Hot Cold, Good, Bad, Skinny Fat and on and on. Life is made up of many seasons and each one has its own time and reason. The trick is learning when, how and where to sowe your seeds to get yourself through the many different seasons. There is a time to earn and a time to spend and once you can balance that on the scales youll be set. The sooner we all realize that and take responsibility for ourselves and eachother, the sooner we can get cleaning up the mess we have made out of this beautiful reality that we created for ourselves. There are a great many of dieties but only One God swastika2 (1).png Our methods may look a little different but when you analyse the data in an unbiased light you will see that that we share 99.99% of eachothers traits and DNA. Is one consciousness too hard to grasp? Are we too stubborn to accept it. Too stubborn too Forgive, Forget, Love, live and let live? Remember pozers in school, the ones that got made fun of, Well let me gently burst your bubble yum! We are all pozers to a degree, those individuals just didnt have filters yet at that awkward faze in life where we are all trying to figure out who we are. Were are merely mirrors walking around reflecting back what we see. With an emphasis on the things that we "Love" the most. Taking in and making the traits of others that we admire, our own. We just want to be loved by one another, to be eachother. Rich kids want to be ghetto and ghetto kids wanna be rich. We are so obviously reaching for one another but fail to see it even with our own eyes. We breath the same air, drink the same water and yearn for the same Love. Lets cross this bridge that we built, get all the way across the river, over to the other side where the grass is a little greener that place where the tea is always a little sweeter, where the milk and honey runs in abundance. We are here to bear whitness, nothing more nothing less, what we do with it God please Bless the less and show me how to be more. How to let this heart leap from my chest some more. How to open doors and builds houses with many more. How to be disaplin like a Yogi Monk . I love you, love you sisters and your brothers. 1love im here to nske you Shiva dance with your soul until your xonciousness it quivers im here to deliver, dance ib talk circles and speak in tongues from deep buffalo lungs!cropped-a8eeb2895df7778bea6ce97e5ca0a4b3.jpg


“we're killing eachother in search of Each other “ love it !

like your post - very honest.
I never work out why we all want to love, but all end up fighting.

How does that work? lol

Thank you, yeah I have always had a hard time with that too. I feel like we are entering a new era of xonciousness where all of these old issues are either going to erupt or get handled in a proper manner. Thank you for reading and commenting, I greatly appreciate it.

always good to read intelligent perspective.

not sure about the new era thing - the older I get the more I see nothing new - just the same repeating patterns with maybe a slightly different color to them. lol

I hear that and I was talking to a friend about that tonight. Ill be 30 in Feb and the older I get the more im starting to think see that too. What I said yp him is that ot feel like at spicific points in our lives we have realizations or spiritual awakenings ans I feel like im going through one now. Maybe ths whole world isnt changing drastically but each of us are a little and over eons compounded maybe well get go where we're going.

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