New World Order Bible Versions (The Differences of Bibles) I

in #religion7 years ago

In this series of blogs I'm going to be pointing out some HUGE differences and facts you should know about the Bibles that you read.  I find it very important to the theology and the religiosity (if you will) that people are reading.  When the doctrine is changed, the word of God is also changed, and some of these words are taken right out of the Bible.

There was a luciferian system set up in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt that formed a secret society called the Illuminati, and it's sole purpose of being brought out is to control the people, control it's money and to ultimately take over the world.  They want full control of people, things, resources... you name it, they want full dominion over it.

On the back of your dollar bill you will find "the eye of Horus," which is an Egyptian theology, that is now called the eye of lucifer or Satan.  On the great seal of the United States, we also have Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means, "The New Order."  Right above it you have Annuit Coeptis, Which means "the Birth of.."  So, altogether we have "The Birth of The New Order," or, "The Birth Of The New World Order."  Thus we are dealing with a luciferian plan for America and for the world, so people really need to pay attention to how things are running these days, as I see them very unfit to run, or even hold positions of such high power and decree into peoples lives.  We already surveillance the entire planet as a whole and for the indoctrinated belief that we are trying to stop foreign interests from entering and war, but on the contrary, they need as much war and propaganda gearing people up for their new world order.  Because with all that they promote order of things, we're getting a lot of disorder in America and around the globe.

They want the whole system to lead us into a one world government, and one world religion, a one world law system, and a one world monetary system that the Bible calls the mark of the Beast and basically what we know is that there is going to be a new order that is directed by Satan himself, from the old order of things into a new order.  

So let's start this blog series with showing you some changes in the Bible and changed in scripture...

In the King James Version Bible 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says, " Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."  

But in the New English Bible, it says, "The old order is gone and a new order has begun."  

Just what you make of that, is all up to you...  But, from my studies it makes a great deal of a difference, while the King James Version is talking about coming to Christ and that if any man be in Christ that he is reborn a new creature, or a new man/woman.  All the old things are passed away and that all things have become new.  This is the way of being reborn into Christ or being a reborn Christian.

But, in the New English Version, you get something about a new order.  This has nothing to deal with being reborn, or going to Christ.  It has to do with the indoctrination of the world and gearing people up to accept the New World Order as it arrives, and it's here.  If you asked me, it's already here, and people are walking blindly into the days, and in a daze as though everything is fine...  our money is sound, our laws are fine and the legal and justice system can and will do no wrong.  This is all a lie.  It's not fine, the money is not sound and people are far less free today then we were before all these things are coming to pass.

God Bless!  I hope that you pay attention to more as I roll them out.  Blessings to you and yours to seek the truth and to be steadfast in the truth and to empower yourselves with the truth and the light that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  God's Peace be upon you.



I read the KJV and your right the changes they have made are undeniable different to the gospel preached, and it takes people in a misdirection and follow a false path.
Great post

Thanks for reading. It all helps wake people up when we share each other's work toward letting people know the truth and making them aware of the changes. Glad to see you are reading on Steem. Steem on and God Bless.

Of course The Word of God in unchangable - and there are some bible translations that outright falsify, not by error, but deliberately. It stared with the gnostics and continues to date. Even the KJV is not accurate to the T - but using it in conjunction with inline Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek word translations - has been an amazing eye opener...

Jesus hated religion. As do I. Beliving the word of God - not that of man is my only doctrine.

Know you're right. There are books taken out of the whole Bible. Thanks for your comment.

Yes - I checked my bible collection - bibles in four different languages - two from then are 19th century -- even these have been falsified (Is 14:12) I am raging. 8 out of 10 - eight are frauds.

Your post is very effective and powerful, Thanks for sharing

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I always follow back. Thanks for your take on this topic. It's an important one.

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