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RE: God's World View Might Be Different Than Yours

in #religion7 years ago

Only One God. He is here, always has been and always will be. He has left us undeniable physical evidence that cannot be counterfeited by humans. No need to have faith in man. The Truth is there if only you will humble yourself and be honest. Call out to God in sincerity and He will lead you to the undeniable, factual, scientific proof, that is Truth. Truth you can touch, see, and feel for yourself. With the internet, we have a vast amount of resources of which hasn't been before... And if it has, it has been hidden from us. Do you think it coincidence that the Bible is the most accurate piece of historical writing on the face of the earth? Secular scholars as well as believing scholars will tell you this... The best in the world. Why? Because it is true. Everyday more discoveries are happening that give it more credibility, and it has never... NEVER been proven false. Discoveries have only confirmed.Do a little searching, read "A Case For Christ" (btw, the author was an atheist, dead set on proving Jesus was a fake, only to become a 100% believer when confronted with the FACTS, the TRUTH, from not only the worlds leading scientist, archeologist, historians, and scholars, but also physical evidence) and see how you feel after that read. The Truth is out there. Just humble yourself and be honest. I bet you will be surprised at why you find. I will leave you with one last thought to ponder: If God wrote a book, what do you think it would be? Probably the bet selling book of all time, right? The Bible is indeed the best selling book of all time. Oh, here is a bonus thought to ponder: if God had a son, what would He be? Probably the most famous person to ever walk the face of the earth, right? Jesus is indeed the most famous person to ever walk the face of the earth. It takes a lot more faith to be an atheist than to be a believer in Christ. The evidence is all there for God, all other thoughts are just theory. May God Bless you and lead you to the Truth.
PS: I did not know these things before I began to look for them myself. I was right where you are. I hope you take a look into it... It could just change you life

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