
Money isn't usually an idol IMHO. Money is often demonized as a destructive force that turns people into monsters, but money doesn't really make people do anything. It's just a tool. How people use a tool reveals something about the person, not something about the tool.

See also: pen, rifle, computer, automobile, kitchen knife, etc.

Now, when money is used to buy political power, the people using the money are definitely evil.

people worship money. They chase money, they do terrible things for money. In terms of it being a tool; I agree, but tools can be worshipped.

Seeking to acquire money is not evidence for worship. People typically want money not for its own sake, but for what it can be used to do.

Some people want to use money to better their own lives, and there is nothing inherently idolatrous with that. Others want to use money as a means to coerce others, especially through politics, That is evil, but not idolatry.

Look past the money to examine the purpose behind the humans acting.

Oh don't get me wrong; I'm not a communist or anything like that. Money should be neutral. What I am saying is that it is not the end all for things; but some make it just that. That is where I am drawing the distinction. Yes we chase certain things including money. I do feel that some actually worship it (sacrificing morals for it) in order to acquire it.

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