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in #relationships7 years ago (edited)

It is why I started working from home and started home schooling my kids. I needed to one make sure they had the best education possible but two they are my kids my responsibility to educate not anyone else.

Marriage is very hard work, but when two people love each other and communicate and put each other first. Marriage can been successful, but it is a choice every day that we make. I have been married twice, the first marriage didn't work because we were both selfish and didn't communicate. I learned a lot in that marriage on what not to do.

This time around things are good, we communicate and put each other first. We been married now nearly 16 years and I know this time I am married till death do us part. And without a doubt I would die for all my kids, my grandbabies and or my husband many times over, if it meant keeping them safe and alive


Great attitude to have as a wife and mother! Your family is truly blessed because of you, and congrats on almost 16 already!

thanks it has been hard work but so worth it, can't image my life without him even when he is being difficult I would rather be mad at him sometimes then live life without him.

Yes she has been trying to kill me off for years, she keeps me locked in the basement and feeds me cat Love you baby :)

Canned cat food? I've eaten that before.

he don't quit telling people this I am gonna bury him up to his neck in the back yard and let the dogs out to go pee. lol

spouses that laugh together and tease each other have fun together

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