The Case For Monogamy

in #relationships7 years ago (edited)

This is partly inspired by @wolfenlord's arguments for polyamorous relationships. He jokingly lays out all the reasons why monogamous couplings are obsolete and un-natural in this post: I appreciated his viewpoints and his humor, as well as the conversation we had, but it did give me idea of writing on the subject myself. His opinions are not unique. More and more people are speaking and writing the same sentiments and advocating for a more polyamorous culture. I would like to swim against the flow and share my thoughts as well as some new reasons why monogamy is more appealing.


Being the only one feels good! There is beauty when one feels such a deep connection with another human being, that they are the only choice. I don't think a truly deep connection can be made when one's mate is bent on joining with and pleasing another. Even if both parties are in agreement... Monogamy is safe, comfortable, and powerful.

Fruits of the spirit I admit that pledging fidelity for life, and following through with it is challenging. However it allows for immense personal growth. The biblical fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control. When one is freely giving into every impulse, the soul and spirit are not expanding. These are in order for a reason, because they develop in order, the ultimate quality to achieve being self-control.

An example for our youth We have failed them. About 100,000 university students between the ages of 18-24 from all over the globe were recently asked, "What are your most pressing questions in life?" The 2 most common questions were, "How do I cope with the urge to kill myself?" And, "How do I conquer/defeat/deal with my porn addiction?" These are people trying to make their way in the world, struggling with dehumanization, depression, emptiness. They crave meaning in their lives. What kind of homes did they grow up in? What have we done to fail them? Selfishness? The emphasis on lust, vanity, and violence in media that they have been bombarded with at a young age? Broken homes? Having a confidant in life, a true best friend that they love, live with, spend time with, have sex with and find purpose with can help them heal. I doubt multiple partners would help in this dilemma. We need to be an example too! :)

Emotions are valid Emotions like insecurity, jealousy, fear, and rage don't just go away. They are here for a reason. Deep down, most men and women don't want to share, and rightfully so. You can't tell me people in open relationships don't experience these feelings. I'm convinced they do, even if they have to stuff them down to cope.

Part of the agenda Now this may make me seem like a nut, but let me explain. The integrity and honor of the family unit is nothing to scoff at, as it is a pillar of a healthy, cultured society. Forces at work want to dehumanize us, make us sheep, make us stupid, lustful, brutish, soulless, lemmings. Take a look at the points in Vladimir Lenin's 1921 speech: 446d59470a63e8d323ac5f785d36c35d.jpg

Now take a look at this quote by Stalin:

Ask yourself, why would they say these things? Take a look at our world today. Regardless of who is in power, how far have we fallen? What has happened here?

I don't mean to offend anyone, as these are just my opinions. I'm not suggesting that any way of life would be forced on another person, but I do think it's clear that monogamy, and the principles therein, are better for us all.

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

First image from Pixabay, second and third images from Pinterest


Hey there! Sorry for the delay but I´ve been away the whole weekend. I read your post and love it, and posted a reply here:

I encourage you to read it if/when you have the time. Keep up the good work!

That's okay, I understand life gets busy! I will check your post out soon! :)

I won't comment on the sexuality and morality side as it borders on religion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion on that. As for Lenin and Stalin...odd how America has literally done that isn't it? I believe this was set in motion in the 30's when we started going into debt as a country. How much of what you have near you right now is MADE IN CHINA? Russia isn't the only red out there. Food for thought.

I think that there are some universal principles that guide the ebb and flow of culture and its particular manifestations. In my mind morality and religion has to a great degree been manipulated and has separated individuals from their own sense of self, leaving them to seek answers outside themselves. Apparently those who would rule the masses focused on these specific points with good results, at least for them. I don't judge anyone's choices . I know that all of us are seeking some resolution to the dissonance we sometimes feel inside. What I do know though is that there is nothing outside ourselves that will ultimately satisfy the longings of our hearts. We are disconnected form our source or god or something. One could call it the singularity if they want. :) And good point about the debt. Debt is functional slavery. We so often surrender ourselves and call it freedom when in fact we are inviting dependency and captivity. Peace brother. Thank you for all you do. @enginewitty

morality and religion has to a great degree been manipulated and has separated individuals from their own sense of self, leaving them to seek answers outside themselves

Mother of all inventions.

Peace to you and yours brother.

You bring up a great point, China is red too, and they have killed many of their own you try to avoid buying things from China? It would be very difficult for me, especially since I like the dollar tree so much!! :)

Avoid it, no. I really dont care where a thing was made. The reference is to who we are collectively in debt to. Well, the U.S. is in debt to anyway. I didnt borrow 5 trillion dollars from China 😎

Great post! I agree whole heatedly.

Thank you!! :)

It may be kinda like the difference in writing a quick short story and taking years to slowly produce and epic masterpiece. One can only go so deep and the other becomes part of the fabric of the universe influencing and providing a foundation for future generations. Nice work!

I love this comment! So true and poetic, even when you're not writing poetry!! :)

I was just thinking of all the little stories out there and movies and songs or works of art that provide distraction or entertainment for a little while. Then I thought of the few great epic works that provide meaning and hope and inspiration throughout our lives. But have there place I guess. But one is fleeting and one is eternal. Peace friend.

I fully agree with you, it's good for our own personal development and also gives our children stability and something to aspire to.

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